Travel & Places United States

Tuna Fishing Party Boats in New Jersey

    Sea Devil

    • Feel the anticipation and excitment after a tuna is hookedman deep sea fishing image by Gina Smith from

      The Sea Devil, located in Point Pleasant, New Jersey, offers 23 hours of tuna fishing aboard a comfortable yacht with bunks available and experienced anglers ready to help, according to the Web site Party Boat New

      The Sea Devil excursions begin before leaving the dock when the captain reviews procedures with passengers and then call passengers one by one to pick out a bunk. It sets sail around 5 p.m. to Hudson Canyon near the mouth of the Hudson River. Since the trip takes a few hours, passengers rest on the way, sleep or eat. Fishing begins before midnight or early morning.

      The Sea Devil crew checks the drag on all lines and explains tuna-fishing techniques to beginners or provides tips on handling the rod for the more experienced angler. The Sea Devil crew tags, bleeds, cleans and stores tuna in iced fish hold below deck.

      Sea Devil
      405 Channel Drive
      Point Pleasant, NJ 08742


    • A New Jersey party boat is a great way to get out with others and fish for tunafishing poles image by Stacey Lynn Payne from

      The Voyager is an 85-by-22-foot aluminum super cruiser yacht with a full galley, heated cabins, heated and air-conditioned bunk rooms below deck and a sundeck with plenty of seating, according to the Voyager Fishing Web site. The Voyager specializes in Yellow Fin and Albacore tuna fishing in several offshore canyons.

      The Voyager departs from Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey for tuna fishing from September to November and strictly limits the trip to 20 or 24 people depending on the trip to allow plenty of room for fishing. The trip takes about four hours.

      Enjoy breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks for one price during 24- to 48-hour trips. For those who don't own stand-up rods and other deep-sea fishing gear, you can rent fishing gear on board.

      Captain Jeff Gutman
      P.O. Box 1329
      Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742

    Prowler 5

    • The Prowler 5 is an 80-foot Super Cruiser equipped with bunks; stand-up rods and a large cabin, according to the Prowler 5 Web site.

      The Prowler 5 sails for tuna in the canyons every Monday and Wednesday beginning Sept. 8 for the 2010 season and sailing through October. Fifteen overnight tuna trips will be offered in 2010. The trips include breakfast, but bring lunch along with snacks, pillows, blanket and rain gear. There is no hard liquor allowed at all, but beer is fine on the return trip.

      The crew will bleed, collar and store fish in ice holds ,and anglers can keep all the fish caught as long as it is within the legal limits.. A fillet service is available on after the return trip.

      Prowler 5
      P.O. Box 224
      Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716

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