How to Dance an Open Break Underarm Turn in Bolero
- 1). Stand on your right foot with your left foot free.
- 2). Take a long, sweeping step to the side on your left foo
- 3). Step back on your right foot on count three. Do not move your left foot.
- 4). Replace your weight on your left foot on count four.
- 5). Let go of your partner with your right hand, lower your left to her waist level and take a long, sweeping step to the side on your right foot on counts five and six. Allow your partner to move slightly away from you.
- 6). Take a small step forward on your left foot on count seven. You have the option of stepping back here if you prefer. Do not move your right foot.
- 7). Replace the weight on your right foot on count eight.
- 8). Take a long sweeping step to the side on your left foot on counts one and two, raising your left hand to your partner’s eye level. You should still be holding her right hand in your left.
- 9). Turn slightly to your right and take a small step back on your right foot on count three while leading your partner to make a 360-degree turn to her right by making a circle around her head with your left hand. If you were looking down from above, your hand would move clockwise. Do not move your left foot.
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Replace your weight on your left foot on count four. - 11
Turn slightly to your left to face your partner and take a long, sweeping step to the side on your right foot on counts one and two. You may place your right hand on her back again or continue dancing with the one-hand hold. - 1). Stand on your left foot with your right foot free.
- 2). Take a long, sweeping step to the side on your right foot on counts one and two.
- 3). Take a small step forward on your left foot on count three. Do not move your right foot.
- 4). Replace your weight on your right foot on count four.
- 5). Take a long, sweeping step to the side on your left foot on counts five and six. The man will lower his hand and allow you to move back slightly, away from him.
- 6). Step back on your right foot on count seven. Do not move your left foot.
- 7). Replace your weight on your left foot on count eight.
- 8). Take a long, sweeping step to the side on your right foot on counts one and two.
- 9). Turn to your right and take a small step forward on your left foot on count three. Do not move your right foot. Your partner will be leading you to turn by moving your arm in a circle.
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Turn half-way around to your right and replace the weight back onto your right foot on count four. - 11
Turn right to face your partner, taking a long, sweeping step to the side on your left foot on counts five and six.