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How to Register to Vote Democrat



Determine if you need to register to vote. Even if you have registered to vote Democrat in the past, you must register again if you have moved to a new address, changed your name or if you did not vote in the last presidential election and have not voted since.

Register again if you're registered to vote with another party or if you are registered as an independent. The only way to change your party identification is to register again. If you are unsure which party you are registered with and cannot find your voter registration card, register again. It does no harm to fill out another registration form.

Locate a voter registration form. Get the form from a post office, the DMV or from the website of your county or state. Read the back of the card for instructions on where to send the form when you are through.

Look for the party identification box on the form. Check "Democratic Party" from the list of political parties displayed on the form.

Review the form and make sure all your information is correct. Sign and date the form.

Wait to receive your voter registration card in the mail. Generally it takes 6 to 8 weeks to receive your card. The card provides you with your precinct number so you can locate the official polling place nearest you to vote.

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