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Everything You Need to Know About Divorce in Singapore

A bond of marriage, a legal procedure, which bounds two souls into one for lifetime of togetherness and happiness, is lethal. As you join your hands with your spouse for a lifetime of togetherness, their bond gets to be social and contractual in that case. Marriage do entitles couples with certain specific rights and thus requires that each of them do fulfill their responsibilities at its best.

A divorce is meant to be a legal procedure that successfully terminates your entire marital relationship between couples. The person who has filed for the divorce is known as the "plaintiff" or "petitioner" whereas the other side of the part is typically called the "defendant" or "respondent". If you are planning to file for a divorce it is imperative on our part to be well aware of divorce law in Singapore before you proceed further with the things.

The Residency Requirements for Divorce

Divorce is filed as a matter of state law and it's important on the part of the one who is filling for divorce is to a legal resident of that state before you file for a divorce in Singapore. By legal residency the law in Singapore means that one needs to be a resident and must be staying in the same country or state for a certain period of time or more recently within the previous 90 days. Either of the party can file for divorce depending upon their residency as long as one person is a resident, it hardly matters where the other party lives.

Certain Issues/ Grounds for Divorce

Most of the states do allow their residents to file for a divorce that may be depending upon "grounds". So what exactly are the grounds is the question as when one files for it there are certain reasons depended on it. Such reasons may differ from state to state as it may also include adultery or abuse. Some states do grant a divorce inn case their spouse has been imprisoned for more than one year. Various sates do allow divorces based on irreconcilable differences, which means that they are no longer on grounds where their marriage can be maintained. This is actually called "no-fault" divorce as it states that no blame is assigned to you or your spouse.

Final Procedure for Divorce

A divorce can't be undone as soon as you have undergone through the entire divorce process and all the legal procedures have been resolved, the judge shall sign the final divorce decree. As it's done, you and your spouse are legally divorced. If you and your spouse later decide that you want to reconcile, you will have to obtain a new marriage license and remarry in whichever state you choose.

A Divorce Lawyer Can Help

The law surrounding divorce and all of its aspects is complicated. Plus, the facts of each case are unique. This article provides a brief, general introduction to the topic. For more detailed, specific information, please contact a divorce lawyer.

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