Essential Tips On How To Be Romantic
Romance is the stuff that good love stories are made of, but it doesn't always have to be the fluffy pink hearts and roses stuff that novels are made of. The definition of romance is different to each couple, and its importance within the relationship also varies.
Ask a teenager girl in the midst of their first real love relationship what romance is and they'll probably have some kind of stereotypical response such as their partner buying them flowers, or taking them out to a special restaurant, or even remembering a significant "anniversary" date in the relationship history. The mother of three young children will often have a very different response putting more attention on how her partner can make her life easier than what he can give her.
However there are a number of things which span the relationship spectrum when it comes to romance. Included in these are:
Remembering their favorite color, perfume, magazine, sport, TV show and show that you're paying attention by buying something that shows you've been listening. You should also make a mental note of anything you discover that they dislike.
If you haven't got a good memory, whenever you learn something new about your partner write it down on a list as soon as you can! Then if you see something that fits with one of their passions, you know you'll hit a romantic note when you give it to them!
Remembering places you've visited together and dates is another high romance factor. Memories cost nothing financially but forgetting that you didn't take your current girlfriend to the place that's advertised but an ex is one quick way to end the relationship! On the other hand, if you do remember you did go to that place or event with your girlfriend and remind her of it, you'll score points on the romance scale because you didn't forget!
Buy tickets for a sporting event that your partner will love, even if you'll hate it! When you get there throw yourself into the experience (even if you hope it's never repeated!) and let him enjoy the event. The fact that you're willing to go to something he knows you won't enjoy just because you know how much he'll love it will factor high for romance value!
If you're booking a table at a restaurant, make an effort to try and book a good table in advance. Don't just turn up and hope they have a table free. Even if it only takes a phone call to secure the table in the corner by the window, your date will know that you care enough about the date to ensure the right setting -- again, plus points on the romance scale!
Even when you're engaging in small talk look into their eyes when they talk and listen to what they say. Validate them by respecting their right to an opinion even if you don't agree with it. Eye contact is not only romantic when it's with your date, it can also be very sexy so you'll score on two fronts with this!
Despite it being old fashioned, and also a little off-putting for some women (you'll know already if your partner is one of them!), old fashioned courtesy of holding out a chair in a restaurant, and helping them with their coats/jackets is usually thought of as a plus in any guy. This is also true of holding your partner's hand in public -- it shows that you care enough about them to show the rest of the world that you are together.
Romance can be expensive in terms of red roses and imported chocolates, but the best kind of romantic gesture is often one that comes from showing your partner not how much money you have, but rather how much you are interested in them. Remember that time is as scarce a commodity -- if not more so -- than cash, so spending time on your partner is far more romantic than buying a gift they have to enjoy alone!
Ask a teenager girl in the midst of their first real love relationship what romance is and they'll probably have some kind of stereotypical response such as their partner buying them flowers, or taking them out to a special restaurant, or even remembering a significant "anniversary" date in the relationship history. The mother of three young children will often have a very different response putting more attention on how her partner can make her life easier than what he can give her.
However there are a number of things which span the relationship spectrum when it comes to romance. Included in these are:
Remembering their favorite color, perfume, magazine, sport, TV show and show that you're paying attention by buying something that shows you've been listening. You should also make a mental note of anything you discover that they dislike.
If you haven't got a good memory, whenever you learn something new about your partner write it down on a list as soon as you can! Then if you see something that fits with one of their passions, you know you'll hit a romantic note when you give it to them!
Remembering places you've visited together and dates is another high romance factor. Memories cost nothing financially but forgetting that you didn't take your current girlfriend to the place that's advertised but an ex is one quick way to end the relationship! On the other hand, if you do remember you did go to that place or event with your girlfriend and remind her of it, you'll score points on the romance scale because you didn't forget!
Buy tickets for a sporting event that your partner will love, even if you'll hate it! When you get there throw yourself into the experience (even if you hope it's never repeated!) and let him enjoy the event. The fact that you're willing to go to something he knows you won't enjoy just because you know how much he'll love it will factor high for romance value!
If you're booking a table at a restaurant, make an effort to try and book a good table in advance. Don't just turn up and hope they have a table free. Even if it only takes a phone call to secure the table in the corner by the window, your date will know that you care enough about the date to ensure the right setting -- again, plus points on the romance scale!
Even when you're engaging in small talk look into their eyes when they talk and listen to what they say. Validate them by respecting their right to an opinion even if you don't agree with it. Eye contact is not only romantic when it's with your date, it can also be very sexy so you'll score on two fronts with this!
Despite it being old fashioned, and also a little off-putting for some women (you'll know already if your partner is one of them!), old fashioned courtesy of holding out a chair in a restaurant, and helping them with their coats/jackets is usually thought of as a plus in any guy. This is also true of holding your partner's hand in public -- it shows that you care enough about them to show the rest of the world that you are together.
Romance can be expensive in terms of red roses and imported chocolates, but the best kind of romantic gesture is often one that comes from showing your partner not how much money you have, but rather how much you are interested in them. Remember that time is as scarce a commodity -- if not more so -- than cash, so spending time on your partner is far more romantic than buying a gift they have to enjoy alone!