Cars & Vehicles Trucks

Maintaining Your Bakkie

Bakkies can be quite expensive, as they are large, heavy duty vehicles.
Purchasing one can be like fulfilling a lifelong dream for some off road enthusiasts.
Naturally, with the high cost of the vehicle, you will want to maintain it so that it lasts a long time, and is safe on and off road for years to come.
First of all, you need to ensure that your car is regularly serviced.
People tend to try and ignore their routine services, for fear of the added costs that can be brought up whilst the car is being looked at by professionals.
The point of the matter is that there could be a deeper underlying problem that you are not aware of.
Every service is integral in finding small problems that could grow bigger very easily.
It is important to remember that the safety of your vehicle can be compromised if you do not service it regularly, and catch any problems in time.
Next up, you need to remember to maintain your vehicle yourself, regularly.
Have the tire pressure, oil and water levels checked once a week.
If you are going on a long off roading adventure, it is important that you have your vehicle checked by a professional mechanic, always carry a spare tire or two on you, and some tow rope.
A happy car is a clean car.
Keep your 4x4 washed regularly, keep it polished so that the paint job lasts longer.
Every once in a while have your engine professionally cleaned.
Even though a bakkie is used for off roading, it is important that you utilise it carefully in these situations.
Never use your 4x4 beyond its abilities, as this can shorten its lifespan.
When you buy your vehicle you should read over the user's manual so that you are well aware of it's off roading capabilities and the type of terrain that it is able to drive on.
It is important that you familiarise yourself with the techniques of off roading driving before you take the vehicle on any adventures.
There are special techniques for driving through large bodies of water, and ways of handling your vehicle in this tough situation.
You should know the exact depths that your vehicle is capable of traversing, and the angle at which you should cross the body of water.
In addition to this, you need to know what to do when you are driving through mud or sand, and how to handle your vehicle should it get stuck.
Most 4x4s will have functions which enable it to rescue itself from a difficult situation.
Knowing how to tow your vehicle and rescue it is imperative too.
There are usually different mechanical functions in a 4x4 for driving on different terrains, such as tar, rocks, gravel, sand, mud and water.
This is why it is important that you read through your user manual, and perhaps join a 4x4 community that can help you with tips and techniques.
You will also be able to find out about fun off road adventure sites.

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