Can the Internet Provide a Cure For Insomnia?
Millions of us suffer from chronic insomnia, yet so few therapists are trained to provide help and advice.
Now the medical journal, the Archives of General Psychiatry suggests that on-line therapy may have as much effect as face-to-face cognitive behavioural therapy.
So could these online treatments provide the potential to ease the pressure? "In many ways, they have advantages over face-to-face care, certainly in the ability to reach larger audiences and reduce travel time," says Lee Ritterband, a psychologist at the University of Virginia Health System, who's findings were published in the July issue of the Archive.
"We're talking about the most common mental health problem, probably the world," says Colin Espie, director of the University of Glasgow Sleep Centre.
"But less than half of people with insomnia mention it to their doctors.
" But there are so many insomnia cures online, which do you choose? "Avoid the general, non-specific cures.
Be wary of anything that is an off-the-shelf cure.
Obviously it will not be as effective as one that is specifically for you," is the professional advice, "first take an online consultation form a therapy site like talkingcures.
" This makes sense because every individual is unique, so it is reasonable to assume that the talking cure that will have most effect will also have to be unique.
Or at least as unique as is possible on-line.
Understanding that each individual has unique problems, for their own reasons, which will require a specific solution has led to the development of a new type of 'interactive' talking cure.
These second generation 'smart' cures are very different to the plethora of general hypnosis downloads that are available.
These talking cures provide a much more person-centred solution.
An online consultation, before purchase enables the client to self-direct towards the most appropriate talking cure.
This is achieved by asking a series questions, needing no more than a simple yes or no answer.
Each question becomes more specific, directing the client to the most effective talking cure.
Do online insomnia cures actually work? University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada, published the results of a study earlier this year in the medical journal Sleep in which they found that some 80% of participants noticed an improvement in their insomnia.
So the evidence suggests that these 'smart' downloads are highly effective.
The consultation process is free and provides a good opportunity to try the process before you buy.
And these second generation cures are not just used for insomnia; anxiety, depression, stress, worry and weight-loss can all be treated with equally impressive results.
Dr Gregg Jacobs, an insomnia specialist at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, and founder of an online therapy programme concludes that "It's a very safe, very anonymous way of treating their insomnia.
" If you are one of the many millions who are troubled with little, unsatisfying or interrupted sleep then perhaps you owe it to yourself to try out one of these new 'second generation' online therapies.
Unlike most therapists they are available exactly when you need them and you will not be charged for the consultation.
So the only thing you might lose is another restless night.
Now the medical journal, the Archives of General Psychiatry suggests that on-line therapy may have as much effect as face-to-face cognitive behavioural therapy.
So could these online treatments provide the potential to ease the pressure? "In many ways, they have advantages over face-to-face care, certainly in the ability to reach larger audiences and reduce travel time," says Lee Ritterband, a psychologist at the University of Virginia Health System, who's findings were published in the July issue of the Archive.
"We're talking about the most common mental health problem, probably the world," says Colin Espie, director of the University of Glasgow Sleep Centre.
"But less than half of people with insomnia mention it to their doctors.
" But there are so many insomnia cures online, which do you choose? "Avoid the general, non-specific cures.
Be wary of anything that is an off-the-shelf cure.
Obviously it will not be as effective as one that is specifically for you," is the professional advice, "first take an online consultation form a therapy site like talkingcures.
" This makes sense because every individual is unique, so it is reasonable to assume that the talking cure that will have most effect will also have to be unique.
Or at least as unique as is possible on-line.
Understanding that each individual has unique problems, for their own reasons, which will require a specific solution has led to the development of a new type of 'interactive' talking cure.
These second generation 'smart' cures are very different to the plethora of general hypnosis downloads that are available.
These talking cures provide a much more person-centred solution.
An online consultation, before purchase enables the client to self-direct towards the most appropriate talking cure.
This is achieved by asking a series questions, needing no more than a simple yes or no answer.
Each question becomes more specific, directing the client to the most effective talking cure.
Do online insomnia cures actually work? University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada, published the results of a study earlier this year in the medical journal Sleep in which they found that some 80% of participants noticed an improvement in their insomnia.
So the evidence suggests that these 'smart' downloads are highly effective.
The consultation process is free and provides a good opportunity to try the process before you buy.
And these second generation cures are not just used for insomnia; anxiety, depression, stress, worry and weight-loss can all be treated with equally impressive results.
Dr Gregg Jacobs, an insomnia specialist at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, and founder of an online therapy programme concludes that "It's a very safe, very anonymous way of treating their insomnia.
" If you are one of the many millions who are troubled with little, unsatisfying or interrupted sleep then perhaps you owe it to yourself to try out one of these new 'second generation' online therapies.
Unlike most therapists they are available exactly when you need them and you will not be charged for the consultation.
So the only thing you might lose is another restless night.