What to Do if You are Burgled
You might have taken measures in order to make your home more secure and safe. Good security products will increase your home security level and reduce the chance of your home being burgled. But, in case this worst happens, you should know what you should do with the situation. This article will talk about what to do if you are burgled.
If the burglary happened when you are not at home. When you come back, you find signs of a break-in:
1,do not rush in the house or shout, because the burglar may be still in.
2,Call the police from your neighbor's house or use your cell phone. If you think the burglar is still in your house, let the police know.
3,Don't touch anything until the police gives you permission. You may destroy potential evidence like footprints or tool marks The burglary scene often contains the only existing evidence of the crime. It can sometimes take quite a while before crime scene specialists arrive to process it. The presence of witnesses is rare; therefore, physical evidence will be crucial to the success of the investigation.
There is another situation when you are at home and you hear a burglar, what you should do might depend on the situation, the most important thing for you is to keep calm.
If you are alone, you could make a noise and hope to scares the burglars off, or you might prefer to keep quiet and hope the burglar does not come into the room you are in. Many people now have a phone in their bedroom. But even if you do, take your mobile to bed with you. If someone breaks in, you can use it to call the police even if they've disconnected your normal phone.
In order to recover from a burglary you must first prepare for it. You can make a list of all your property and belongings. When the burglary happened, you will know what is lost quickly. Then provide the police with a full list of the property stolen in the burglary. Show the reporting officer everything that was damaged during the burglary. Property destruction is also part of the loss you'll need to report to your insurer or include in a claim for compensation.
If property is later found in a burglary suspect's possession, the police won't be able to prove it belongs to you if it's not adequately described in your crime report. Items that are mass-produced typically cannot be traced and returned to you unless you can identify each of them by make, model, and serial number or other unique markings.
If your identification, cheques, bank cards, passport, credit card statements, or financial records were stolen in the burglary, immediately notify the agency or business that issued each one.
You can ask your local police where you might expect to find your possessions being resold. Visit the locations or view the websites. If you recognise your stolen belongings, quietly contact the police without tipping the seller and then follow the police investigator's instructions.
If you want to get more information about home security, please visit http://www.security2020.com
If the burglary happened when you are not at home. When you come back, you find signs of a break-in:
1,do not rush in the house or shout, because the burglar may be still in.
2,Call the police from your neighbor's house or use your cell phone. If you think the burglar is still in your house, let the police know.
3,Don't touch anything until the police gives you permission. You may destroy potential evidence like footprints or tool marks The burglary scene often contains the only existing evidence of the crime. It can sometimes take quite a while before crime scene specialists arrive to process it. The presence of witnesses is rare; therefore, physical evidence will be crucial to the success of the investigation.
There is another situation when you are at home and you hear a burglar, what you should do might depend on the situation, the most important thing for you is to keep calm.
If you are alone, you could make a noise and hope to scares the burglars off, or you might prefer to keep quiet and hope the burglar does not come into the room you are in. Many people now have a phone in their bedroom. But even if you do, take your mobile to bed with you. If someone breaks in, you can use it to call the police even if they've disconnected your normal phone.
In order to recover from a burglary you must first prepare for it. You can make a list of all your property and belongings. When the burglary happened, you will know what is lost quickly. Then provide the police with a full list of the property stolen in the burglary. Show the reporting officer everything that was damaged during the burglary. Property destruction is also part of the loss you'll need to report to your insurer or include in a claim for compensation.
If property is later found in a burglary suspect's possession, the police won't be able to prove it belongs to you if it's not adequately described in your crime report. Items that are mass-produced typically cannot be traced and returned to you unless you can identify each of them by make, model, and serial number or other unique markings.
If your identification, cheques, bank cards, passport, credit card statements, or financial records were stolen in the burglary, immediately notify the agency or business that issued each one.
You can ask your local police where you might expect to find your possessions being resold. Visit the locations or view the websites. If you recognise your stolen belongings, quietly contact the police without tipping the seller and then follow the police investigator's instructions.
If you want to get more information about home security, please visit http://www.security2020.com