Technology Software

Video: How to Make a Facebook Layout With Adobe

Video Transcript

Hey, my name is Zach. And I wanted to show you how to do a Facebook cover photo in Adobe Photoshop. Now, it's actually a pretty easy process. Over here I have the document ready to go. We're going to want to do 851 pixels wide by 315 pixels high. Say, O.K. Now, this is the canvas you have to work with. I'm just going to downsize an image to this because that's all I want. So, we're going to go into my Desktop and scroll down and grab my image and just drop it. Now, you can see it printing a new Photoshop document. All we have do, is hit Control A and Control C. Now, we hit Control D and we have a huge image here. That's not exactly what we want to do, so we'll hit Control Z. Go back to the original image, it is a very big image. As you can see, I'm only 16 percent zoomed and I can see it very well. What I'm going to do is, de-select and crop a little piece that I want. So, we'll hit Crop and we'll just grab here and say, O.K. Now, we're going to hit Control A and Control X. Go back to this document here, and hit Control V. And now, we're going to transform this image. Just click and downsize. Now, unlike in Photoshop where you have to hit shift to keep the proportions the same, in Adobe Elements you don't. You actually, if you hit Shift, you can change the height and width, whatever you want to do. But if you don't hit Shift, it'll keep the proportions. So, I'm actually just going to make this a tiny bit bigger, and that'll say a good cover photo for me. So, I'm just going to hit the check button. And as you notice, it un-pixelates itself a little bit after it's out of transform. Next, what we're going to do is just save the image. We'll go up to File and just hit Save. It's going to ask you about your Organizer, but just hit O.K. You can save it as a Photoshop document or as a JPEG. I will save it as a JPEG, if you're going to try and upload it to Facebook. My name is Zach, and I just showed you how to make a Facebook cover photo. Thanks for watching.

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