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Ayush homam

Ayusha homam:

                 Ayusha means age, Ayusha homam is performed for getting long life. This homam is performed by expert pandit by chanting of mantras. This homam removes all obstacles in one's life. This homam is performed once in a year on birth star day of an individual. By performing ayusha homam gives long life and happiness. It bestows lifespan and great wellbeing. This effortful homam can be a powerful relief for children suffering from severe health illness.

 Ayusha homam is done for getting a blessing from Lord Ayur Devatha. By performing this homam one can get long life bestows from Lord Ayur Devatha. If a person does Ayusha homam once in a year they will get long life and happiness. It is believed that Ayusha homam gives relief, if a person suffering from severe illness for prolong period. A person, who is undergoing serious medical treatment, is advised to do this homam. It is believed that this homam gives good relief for serious health problem.

 Homams are performed for invoking particular deity in front of the Agni. Sun is considered as a primary energy, the Agni is considering as a representation of sun's energy. During homam if we offer any thing in fire as offer to sun. So the primary energy of Sun gives powerful energy to us to destroy the undesirable element in the environment. By doing homam one can get rid of any obstacles and also attain a happiness in entire life.
  1. It is very important that it must be done on the first birth date.
  2. It may be done on a monthly basis


 Every year every person should perform this homam in their star birth of the birth month. Most of the people should perform this homa on the first birthday only. This homam improves health and give long life with happiness.


             Before performing Ayusha homam ganapathi homam was performed. It believed that lord ganesha removes all obstacles in our life. So before performing any homam praying lord ganesha is very important. In Ayusha homam the main offerings are Ajya(ghee),charu( boiled rice), Durva( a type of grass). During this homam Lord Ayur devatha, Lord mrityunjaya rudra and Lord dhanvanthari are devoted. Ayusha sooktha, nakshathas mantras, mrityunjaya mantras and dhanvanthari mantras are delivered during this homam. At the end of this homam kalasha abisheka and kalasha, ajya(ghee), navadhanya, phala dhanas are given.

Mantra for Ayusha homam:

             Om Haam Aayur Devataaya Namaha


Benefits of Ayusha homam:
  1. It gives relief from incurable sickness
  2. It removes all obstacles in life
  3. It offers long life with happiness
  4. To escape from life fear
  5. It gives spiritual and material blessing
  6. It give success in life and business

Effect of Ayusha homam:
  1. Relief from sick and needy
  2. To yearn long healthy life
  3. To recover from serious illness
  4. It gives success and long life

Everyone wants a long happy life with all success. By performing ayusha homam gives long happy and healthy life.

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