Health & Medical Medicine

The Benefits Of Ascensia Elite Test Strips

While the detail oriented lifestyle you must now live if you have been diagnosed with diabetes, may be a change form your previous sedentary lifestyle it does not have to be painful. It will be an annoying ordeal of constant poking simply to get a drop of blood for the glucose monitor. Yet, there is an alternative to that pain and annoyance. The Ascensia Elite Testing module and the strips that come with it are designed to get around this problem. The quality of these test strips are a huge step to pain free diabetic testing.

They are relatively hassle free, and they need very little blood to obtain an accurate reading. If you are a new patient then please read this very carefully, and if you are a patient who is already a veteran to constant testing and monitoring then pay attention also. The new Ascensia Elite test strips will not require you to use your lancet (poking needle) to get a huge amount of blood. You will not need a saturating amount of blood on the testing strips. This is paramount to the testing phase. Your new Ascensia Glucose monitor only needs the smallest amount of blood to work, which makes it so much more comfortable to the user. It also has been designed to give you a fast reading, and it has a large screen, which makes it easier to read so you won't read the wrong numbers.

If you are using incorrect data then you are not getting the correct treatments, as this is what the physicians will use to create your diet program, your exercise program, and your drug regimens. The testing strips will take a tiny sip of blood, and that is all it needs. You will need fewer strips in the long run, because you are not wasting your strips with an overabundance of blood on it. You also won't have the associated pain in your fingertips, which is the biggest comfort to most patients. The numbing feeling can be very uncomfortable, and you will find that you have less fine control over things with the older method of testing. The sipping action of the test strips that the Ascensia Elite means less deep punctures, less blood, less mess, and less hassles.

This translates into a desire to take your blood sugar as often as you truly need it. The other feature, which makes this testing monitor the best there is, is the fact that it needs such a minute amount of blood allows you to change locations of where you will draw blood since it needs so little in the first place. Imagine you can now test on your palms, and on your abdomen. This is unprecedented and a great benefit to you, as it will lead to less finger pain. It means you have greater control over your disease, and your life will have much better quality. Both you and your physician will be pleased that your blood glucose monitoring is more accurate because you tend to be more agreeable to using it at all the necessary times to keep track of your sugar levels

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