Healthy Eating Guide - From Someone Who Lost 30 Pounds in 30 Days
When creating a healthy eating guide I know from personal experience what it takes to lose almost 30 pounds in 30 days.
Most people cannot afford a personal trainer or nutritionist (I couldn't) but want to lose weight especially after the holidays.
Since you will be doing this on your own I will be giving you 10 tips to creating a healthy diet plan.
Get out a pad of paper (right now or whenever you are creating your guide for eating) and write down your goal.
Most people want to eat healthy to lose weight so establish how much weight you want to lose and pick a specific date.
Be realistic.
20-30 pounds in a month is in the upper limits.
It sounds stupid but for some reason when I did it I actually hit my goal and more.
If you are eating 2-3 small meals per day STOP.
Eat 4-6 smaller meals.
The reason why is beyond this article but the reasons are many.
One reason is your metabolism will actually speed up when you eat more.
Eat carbs that are only whole grain: wheat bread, brown rice and pasta.
Get rid of flour, white rice or white bread.
It's an easy switch.
Replace ALL drinks with water.
One coffee or tea per day is fine.
Aim for half your body weight in ounces of water.
In those 4-6 meals make at least 2 of the meals with a green vegetable.
Broccoli, spinach, cauliflower etc.
Cut out as much sugar as possible.
Sugar is probably the hardest and biggest problem for most people.
Snack like a skinny person.
Celery, salt free nuts, granola, broccoli, apples etc.
Watch your sodium intake.
Start reading labels.
Most people take in WAY too much sodium 9.
If you are physically able to throw in some exercise do it.
I know this doesn't have to do with eating but you can get away with twice as much if you are exercising.
My last and one of the most important tips is to ONLY EAT TILL 80% FULL.
This has helped me the most.
This will take some learning and practice and you will have to eat slower but the benefits are substantial.
If you integrate ALL of these tips into your healthy eating guide you should notice weight loss your first week.
Good luck!
Most people cannot afford a personal trainer or nutritionist (I couldn't) but want to lose weight especially after the holidays.
Since you will be doing this on your own I will be giving you 10 tips to creating a healthy diet plan.
Get out a pad of paper (right now or whenever you are creating your guide for eating) and write down your goal.
Most people want to eat healthy to lose weight so establish how much weight you want to lose and pick a specific date.
Be realistic.
20-30 pounds in a month is in the upper limits.
It sounds stupid but for some reason when I did it I actually hit my goal and more.
If you are eating 2-3 small meals per day STOP.
Eat 4-6 smaller meals.
The reason why is beyond this article but the reasons are many.
One reason is your metabolism will actually speed up when you eat more.
Eat carbs that are only whole grain: wheat bread, brown rice and pasta.
Get rid of flour, white rice or white bread.
It's an easy switch.
Replace ALL drinks with water.
One coffee or tea per day is fine.
Aim for half your body weight in ounces of water.
In those 4-6 meals make at least 2 of the meals with a green vegetable.
Broccoli, spinach, cauliflower etc.
Cut out as much sugar as possible.
Sugar is probably the hardest and biggest problem for most people.
Snack like a skinny person.
Celery, salt free nuts, granola, broccoli, apples etc.
Watch your sodium intake.
Start reading labels.
Most people take in WAY too much sodium 9.
If you are physically able to throw in some exercise do it.
I know this doesn't have to do with eating but you can get away with twice as much if you are exercising.
My last and one of the most important tips is to ONLY EAT TILL 80% FULL.
This has helped me the most.
This will take some learning and practice and you will have to eat slower but the benefits are substantial.
If you integrate ALL of these tips into your healthy eating guide you should notice weight loss your first week.
Good luck!