Health & Medical Diabetes

Impaired Fasting Glucose and LV Diastolic Dysfunction

Impaired Fasting Glucose and LV Diastolic Dysfunction


The main strength of our study is the relatively large cohort size under rigorous follow-up. Despite of that there are several limitations: First, this is a cross-sectional retrospective study of a selected group with risk of residual confounding. This is reinforced by the nature of our population, with a low prevalence of obesity, a good physical condition (e.g. 76 % were physically active) and an early and effective treatment for their hypertension (e.g. reflected by adequate mean blood pressure values, see Table 1). Second, the relatively high prevalence of hypertension in our study population probably could be a result from a referral bias because hypertensive patients are commonly referred for echocardiography as part of our screening program. Finally, left ventricular function was visually estimated, reflecting common clinical practice.

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