Technology Games

Clues To Farmville Tab Dancing For Excess Gifts

This is a great Farmville strategy because it's so easy and quick to pull off and the advantages are great. What you do need though is are a few Farmville neighbours and an internet web browser with tabs. Mozilla Firefox and the latest Microsoft net Explorer are some sound representatives.

Initially open up your internet browser and login to Farmville. You can either login through Facebook or right from their website, it doesn't matter which way its through. Secondly, find the neighbours you wish to send off gifts to and lead off to do just that. Click on Free Gifts. Don't choose and send off them yet, right click on the button that says Free Gifts and then select Open in new window. Keep that up until you have batches of windows/tabs opened. Its likely optimum to do it off prime times when Facebook isnt as flatout and then you won't get an error message in the web browser.

Once you have all the tabs open that you desire, pick the gifts you wish to post. Go through all the tabs and pick all the gifts before you send off them. If you post one too early, you won't be able to send any of the other ones. When you have all the gifts chosen go ahead and send off them as fast as you can. Go through all your tabs and click post, then go the next tab and post that one, and so on. It's imperative that the confirmation be done back to back to make sure all your tabs are at the final step of sending the gift before you finish. This scheme is also called unlimited gift tip, because you can open up as many windows as your computer will allow as long as they are opened at the same time, and confirmation is done.

Something else you can do is to generate a new Facebook account and supply the Farmville application, then add your true account as your neighbour. Then you can send yourself unlimited gifts whenever you wish. Just a clue however, FB doesn't like fictional accounts and it could be cancelled if they see suitable!!

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