Technology Software

How to Keep Your MacBook Running Fast

MacBook is an expensive device which most people would not want to change frequently. Most people complain about their MacBook freezing at times. This is because MacBook's speed slows down with time and they need occasional tweaks if you want them to keep running smoothly. Here is a list of simple tasks that you can do to keep your MacBook working at a good speed.

Give Your MacBook a Break!
Filling up the hard drive too much can cause problems with virtual memory of your MacBook. Don't let the hard drive reach a point where it has less than 10 GB space. Try to move your important data to an external hard drive and delete the unnecessary one. Also look through your application folder frequently to see if there are any applications that are not in your use anymore, uninstall any such application using the Uninstaller. Also try to free up space by deleting the alternative languages that come with many programs that you install. A free application, Monolingual can be used for this.

Quit application that you are not using
Most of the time there are many applications running simultaneously on your MacBook, and practically speaking most of these are not even in your use at the time. Running these unnecessary applications can considerably slow down your MacBook's performance. Quitting these unnecessary applications that you won't need any time soon, can improve your MacBook's speed.

Restart your MacBook
Keeping your MacBook on sleep mode rather than restarting it can also slow down its performance. There are a few tools in your MacBook that it automatically uses to help it in maintaining itself and a few of these tools only run while shutdown and startup. Rebooting your MacBook also flushes out junk files that might be slowing down its speed. Thus, restarting your device more often may help speeding it up.

Increase your RAM
Increasing the RAM of your MacBook helps to improve its speed. Try to upgrade your RAM when your MacBook slows down, this is an efficient and a relatively cheap way of improving your MacBook's speed.
Software Update

Make sure that you are running the latest software on your device. Software updates fix many problems that cause your MacBook to slow down, hence try to update the software every now and then.
Keep The Desktop Clean

Keeping too many files and folders on the desktop can also decrease your MacBook's speed as it handles every file on the desktop as a separate window. Try to sort out all these unnecessary files by allocating them to appropriate folders. This will have a favorable impact on your MacBook's speed.

Check The Login Items
Login items are those programs that start automatically as soon as you log in to your MacBook irrespective of whether you want them or not. These programs also slow down your MacBook. Stop the programs that you don't want to run by selecting them from the system preference window and then click on the '-' button.

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