Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

How to Lose Weight With the Scarsdale Diet



Choose a good time to start the Scarsdale Diet. Think of two weeks in the near future when you won't be going to any social events where lavish meals beckon temptingly. The menu is extremely limited so you need a block of time when you won't be traveling or partying.

Shop for Scarsdale-friendly foods. You can see the entire diet plan by going to and clicking on Scarsdale Diet. Make a grocery list based on the menu and throw sugar substitutes, grapefruits, veggies and lean meats into your cart.

Banish temptation from your pantry by tossing or donating all foods forbidden by the Scarsdale plan. If this isn't possible because you live with a roommate, spouse and/or children, make yourself your own space in the fridge and pantry and don't touch any foods that aren't on it unless you're cooking for your family.

Weigh yourself the morning you begin the diet, preferably nude or wearing light clothes you can try on again after a week on the Scarsdale plan. This way you can track exactly how much weight you lose.

At the end of either one or two weeks on the Scarsdale Diet--whichever you prefer--hop on a more reasonable diet like Weight Watchers or the second phase of South Beach in order to maintain or even continue your weight loss. Then go shopping for new, tinier clothes.

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