Insurance Health Insurance

Driving Health Insurance in a New Direction

Transparency, Responsibility and Opportunity: Health Insurance in the 21st Century Rising health care costs are forcing companies of all sizes to seek alternate solutions - and Consumer-Driven Health Plans structured with Health Savings Accounts (CDHPs) are the "new health care financing vehicle" proven to lower costs and improve overall health.
The driving forces behind rising health costs are many and complex.
The general cost-of-living, limited cost sharing, abundance of specialists and teaching hospitals, large-powerful provider groups and state mandates all play significant roles in double-digit health care trend, which is currently running around 12-13% per year.
So, what can you do? How can you lower costs today and better prepare yourself for future health expenses in retirement? You can drive health insurance in a new direction by embracing three core principles of CDHPs: Transparency - the chassis of a CDHP is the high deductible health plan (HDHP) - it is used to help the end-user of health care see the actual cost of the care they receive.
Responsibility - the engine of a CHDP is the Health Savings Account (HSA) - it is used to create an ownership mindset and personal accountability for living a healthier lifestyle.
Opportunity - the fuel for a CDHP is hope - hope that you can build equity in your HSA to help you pay for health expenses in the future and lower costs along the way.
Lower health insurance costs by as much as 20% by embracing CDHPs - and help your business and employees slow down the rising cost of medical care by driving health insurance in a new direction.

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