Disabled Hand Controls and What You Must Know
Disabled hand controls allow a driver who's disabled to drive once more, and also allows people who are born disabled to start driving.
When someone becomes disabled, usually through an accident or on birth there are a lot of things in life that they simply can't do.
What disabled hand controls do are allow that very person to do just one on a long list of things that they previously couldn't do.
They'll never be able to run a long a beach and feel the sand amongst their toes, but driving is an important part of everyday life for many people and they can experience it just as before, or if they never have experienced it then it's a whole new experience for them to enjoy.
Being disabled from the waist down has obviously always been a massive barrier stopping people driving because you need fully working legs and feet to operate the floor pedals.
But nowadays you can buy handicap hand control kits which are attached to a car and allow that car to be operated by someone who is handicapped.
These disabled hand controls truly offer a new lease on life to a lot of people because it gives them a real sense of freedom which has been denied for so long.
Having a car isn't just about driving to other cities, but it's about knowing that should you choose to you could - you have the choice - and most disabled people don't, this is why they're truly a great invention of the 21st century because it restores a feeling of normality to people who've not felt it for a long time.
When someone becomes disabled, usually through an accident or on birth there are a lot of things in life that they simply can't do.
What disabled hand controls do are allow that very person to do just one on a long list of things that they previously couldn't do.
They'll never be able to run a long a beach and feel the sand amongst their toes, but driving is an important part of everyday life for many people and they can experience it just as before, or if they never have experienced it then it's a whole new experience for them to enjoy.
Being disabled from the waist down has obviously always been a massive barrier stopping people driving because you need fully working legs and feet to operate the floor pedals.
But nowadays you can buy handicap hand control kits which are attached to a car and allow that car to be operated by someone who is handicapped.
These disabled hand controls truly offer a new lease on life to a lot of people because it gives them a real sense of freedom which has been denied for so long.
Having a car isn't just about driving to other cities, but it's about knowing that should you choose to you could - you have the choice - and most disabled people don't, this is why they're truly a great invention of the 21st century because it restores a feeling of normality to people who've not felt it for a long time.