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How to Write a Sensory Poem on Fall

    • 1). Choose a type or style of poetry based upon your requirements or reason for writing. Traditional types of poetry include sonnets, ballads, odes, epitaphs, haiku, couplets, quatrains, free verse and an extensive list of others. Decide what, if any, type of rhyme, meter and verse your poem will encompass.

    • 2). Decide on the organization of your poem. Organization might include describing fall through each of the five senses separately, in different lines or verses. Alternatively, different verses might describe a fall object, event, word or theme through all five of the senses.

    • 3). Brainstorm a list of fall words, themes, events and objects. Use this list when you begin to form sensory phrase and word ideas for your fall poem. Look at pictures of fall events and occasions online to help you create your brainstorm list if you have trouble coming up with ideas.

    • 4). Create a verse or list of words to include in your poem regarding the tastes of fall. Think of words to describe the taste of fall apples, warm pumpkin pies, Halloween candy, spiced cider or oatmeal on a cold morning. If creating a rhyming poem, begin to think of words that might rhyme with these words and fit with your poem.

    • 5). Create a verse or word list for words describing the smells of fall and words that you might rhyme with them if creating a rhyming poem. Describe in words the smell of fireplaces burning, spiced cider simmering, hot chocolate sitting warm in a cup or fresh cookies baking. Use a thesaurus to find unusual substitutions for common words, such as "delicious."

    • 6). Think of things you hear in fall and create a verse or word list for these. Find unique words to describe the way these things sound. For example, write about the crack, hiss and pop of dried wood as the flames ate away at the log in the fireplace. You might also describe the crunching of dried leaves and the sound of wind in the trees as you walk outside on a fall day.

    • 7). Describe the feel of fall events and objects. Make a list describing the feeling of cool morning air, warm fuzzy jackets and soft fleece blankets. Write a verse or line to describe the feeling of hot, steamy cocoa against freezing cold hands after being outside.

    • 8). Find words to describe the sights of fall in a verse or line. Write about the bold red, orange, yellow and brown colors of fall leaves against a bright, blue fall sky. Alternatively, write about the smiles and costumes of children at your door for Halloween trick or treating.

    • 9). Using your prewriting work of lists, words, rhymes and phrases, create your sensory poem about fall. Remember that a poem need not rhyme, but usually has some sort of organization or rhythm. Use the word lists, phrases or verses you have created to paint a poetry word picture of all that you see, hear, touch, taste and smell in fall.

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