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Bosch fridge freezers, exceptional kitchen appliances

There are three types of Bosch fridge freezer to choose from Logixx, Exxcel and Classixx. Logixx models are the premium models available which have exceptional features and the latest technologies. Exxcel models are mid range and come with great extra features and Classixx models are simplistic and practical offering exceptional value for money and build quality. So there is a model which will suit every budget while offering an excellent array of functions and features.

Bosch fridge freezers [http://www.appliancesonline.co.uk/product_listings.aspx?action=clean&mNode=26&ManID=7] are rated A or above for energy efficiency which is great news for the environment. Fridge freezers are working all day every day making sure that your fresh and frozen foods are kept stored to the best possible temperature. The KGV36X10GB model is rated A++ meaning it is a super efficient model and will save you even more money off your energy bills.

Several Bosch fridge freezers contain frost free technology inside the freezer - this means there is no need to defrost your freezer again eliminating any build up of ice inside the appliance or on your foods meaning that the freezer will be working more efficiently and your foods are stored correctly and safely.

Another feature to look out for is auto defrost technologies available in some Bosch fridge freezers which works inside the refrigerator to prevent any build up of ice so your appliance runs more efficiently.

There are some great storage options available also, look out for extra deep door storage - great for those bulkier bottles and jars also look out for salad crispers, bottle compartments, wine racks, can holders, dairy compartments and egg sections all helping you to maintain an organised and happy fridge.

Other features of Bosch fridge freezers include safety glass shelves, which won't shatter if broken. Adjustable shelves to allow you to cater for bulky items and change the layout inside the appliance to suit you. Antibacterial protection which is a special coating inside the appliance which eliminates bacteria and odours in-between cleaning. Fast freeing which lowers the temperature allowing newly added foods to be frozen quickly without risking any of the foods already inside the appliance defrosting.

There are several styles, shapes and colours available when choosing a Bosch fridge freezer do you want a built in integrated or freestanding model, or do you want a black, red, white or silver model in the kitchen? With so much choice you will find just what you are looking for, have a think about the kinds of food you want to store and how much room you will need inside the fridge and freezer sections. Also think about what features you will find useful, if you need organisation in the kitchen opt for more storage features, if you have a greater amount of fresh foods choose a fridge freezer with a greater capacity fridge. There is a Bosch fridge freezer model available which will perfectly complement your kitchen - whatever you are looking for!

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