Measure the ceiling from wall to wall in feet to determine the amount of tiles you would need. If you can't fit in whole tiles throughout, make provision for extra tiles. If you plan on applying the tiles with adhesive, make sure that the ceiling is sound and even. If this is not the case, furring strips should be used. If furring strips are not used the ceiling should be checked for paint that is flaky, peeling or chalky. A painted surface can be tested by installing tiles at various places on the ceiling, leaving it for a day or two and then pulling on them to see if they come loose easily but also look for trust a trader,.

Furring strips should be used on an unsound surface or exposed joists. It should be of soft, seasoned and straight-grained wood, such as fir or pine. If an existing ceiling covers the joists they will have to be located and marked. Joists can be found by driving nails into the ceiling or you could use a metal detector or stud finder. You should find the other joists every 16 inches or 24 inches from there. Having located the beginning and the end of each joist, you can mark them all with a chalk line plumber london,,.
Nail the furring strips across and perpendicular to the joists, starting immediately against the wall. The second strip must be positioned where the centre of the strip is exactly one tile width away from the wall or the width of the border tile. The width of the border tiles should be calculated on a piece of paper and should be equal at both sides of the opposite walls. The subsequent strips must all be nailed in the position where the centre of the strip is exactly one full tile width from the centre of the previous one.

All strips should be exactly parallel to the first one. To ensure this a template for control can be made from a wood panel by taking the width of one tile minus the width of the furring strip and cutting the template accordingly. Now do you need a London plumbers to Use a long spirit level and make sure all furring strips are level. If not, shims can be inserted between the strips and the joists until they are level. Where the ends meet at the wall, pieces of strips must be fitted in-between to fill the gaps and provide support for the border tiles.
Snap chalk lines all across the length and the width of the room on the furring strips at all the places where the edges of the tiles are supposed to end and form joints.

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