Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

How to Have a Meaningful Relationship

Relationships are like gardens - you have to tend them! If you want to have good relationships you need to understand and be able to recognize the different types of relationships that there are.
You should avoid and get out of the types of relationships that are negative and harmful and focus on the relationships that you will cherish.
In some relationships the person wants something from you or something in return for being in associated with you.
They will call you up to meet for lunch but their reason is not just to be with you - they want something! You never see these people unless they get something in return.
This is not a the kind of relationship you desire.
Some relationships are based on someone's needs - you are providing what is missing in someone else.
These are called relationships of convenience - they are not deep relationships but they are, sometimes, necessary relationships.
People who know lots of people may be good at connecting people in relationships, but they rarely have meaningful relationships themselves.
Some relationships are sick relationships; these relationships are when you are being abused or used and can't or won't do anything about it.
Powerful people tend to have sick relationships.
Avoiding these types of relationships and getting out of them when they manifest is imperative to your well-being.
Never allow someone to control you in a relationship.
When you know how to look for deeper meaning in your relationships if you have the key, find the key to have a meaningful relationship.
When you and another person share a friendship with no expectations, no neediness by either party, it is not a sick relationship or a relationship that requires you to perform tricks in order to gain approval.
You can be yourself and they can be themselves with the only expectation is returned friendship.
Cherish these relationships, as they don't come around that often! Relationships are created when we allow people into our lives.
We all are unique individuals; there are some people who prefer to float in the background and others who wish to be the center of attention.
Some people enjoy playing games, others sports, others may prefer books - whatever the trait of combination of traits that make us all different.
As in all things in life developing a good relationship is the balance of finding someone that is compatible with you.
Sometimes the best friendships are with someone who compliments you - not in false flattery - but as in "opposites attract".
It takes putting yourself out there and exposing your vulnerabilities but when you find a meaningful relationship you will know it I worth it.

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