Health & Medical Mental Health

Supports Optimal Memory Function

A brain disease like any other physical dizzy is like asana actions that so we're might get you I do I saw some hands cable head yes you mentioned it might be effective in a few other disorders unfortunate did mention schizophrenia psychosis inning think the suggested might work there so might some I could go sorry the questions whether see the rams might be helpful for psychosis or for other troopers is a free concert regular brother and schizophrenia is Isa notoriously tough 1i looking at the brain it's not just rhythm problem where traffic jam there is a lot of shrinkage a answer after feel that goes on in the brain I want the early study was a schizophrenic all data coaches to mention almost like a sort dimension that sets in your early 20's rather than later down the line so you have to overcome not only serve traffic problem but also a structural problem there I think rams it was so far an answer your question no one's figured out how.


To treat psychosis the reasons not least the nation's usingrTMS Michael Callings over can make are using it to fix some good things about schizophrenic the medications don't seem to be helpful with medications can be helpful with things like delusions and hallucinations in schizophrenia but the lack of attention the apathy the difficulty focusing and concentrating the so-called negative symptoms there are errors the brain that could help with that and can make just studying that so there are people working on that part of it but one of the most exciting conditions you're looking at next sips we have a lot of soldiers a lot for police officers firefighters who suffer from PTSD this is really problems so that's one of the areas where we're were quite excited about it for depression when senator visa work there are a number of things you can do for PTSD if medications and their peer if you're doing those in your still stock as many people are then there really is nothing else you can give the city a delay doesn't do the job doesn't fix it so for our team that's what we're seeing is fifty to sixty percent of people having fairly dramatic improvements we had a person who was about who had been taken hostage in Bosnia I who underwent the treatment and you got a lot.

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