Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Clean Scented Candle Wax Off Laminate Flooring

    • 1). Fill a sandwich-sized plastic zip bag with ice cubes and seal the bag. Lay the bag of ice over the scented candle wax stain on your laminate flooring. Leave the ice bag in place until the candle wax is hardened.

    • 2). Scrape the hardened candle wax with a credit card. The credit card edge will lift the hardened wax without scratching or denting the surface of your laminate floor. Continue to scrape and lift until you've removed all of the candle wax substance and discarded it in a trash bag.

    • 3). Mix 1/4-cup white vinegar with 1 quart of water in a spray bottle. Shake the spray bottle to mix the diluted vinegar spray.

    • 4). Spray the diluted vinegar onto the laminate flooring at the site of the scented candle wax stain. The vinegar solution will remove any greasy residue left by the candle wax as well as odor from the candle's scent. Wipe the floor with a clean cloth to remove the vinegar spray and wax residue.

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