Health & Medical Beauty & Style

Japanese Hair Straightening Can Be As Expensive Or As Cheap As You Like

The latest and greatest craze coming out is Japanese hair straightening, and it is giving keratin treatments a run for their money, literally.
Of course both methods provide straight hair even on the heads of those with the nappiest of hair, Japanese hair straightening is a little less natural, takes more time and costs some more money.
However, the results are often much more dynamic, and the treatments can last a long time, anywhere from six to nine months on average.
The good news is that it is becoming so popular that prices are starting to go down, but the bad news is that people are also going to stylists who are less trained which often does not give customers the look they hoped to achieve.
Japanese hair straightening is something that only an experienced and properly trained stylist should do, and for that, you should expect to pay a little more money than rock bottom prices simply for the level of talent you will have putting chemicals and then searing them into your hair.
And believe me, a ten dollar hair do never, ever looks like a five hundred dollar one.
While many people are not willing to fork over that kind of money for Japanese hair straightening, many people do and as a result, there are a range of both high end and bargain salons where you can go for this not so new but new to us hair treatment that is catching the world by storm.
If you are tired of dry, frizzy, nappy, tangled or otherwise curly hair and you want silky smooth and soft straight hair that lasts for months despite all the humidity that you can throw at it, then Japanese hair straightening is your answer.
Easy and convenient, once you find a good stylist, you can start to have that magazine picture quality hair for a fraction of what the big name salons charge their clients for the same service.
Just remember that the quality of your hair has everything to do with the quality of the person doing the treatment, and you want to make sure that you have someone who knows what they are doing.
Japanese hair straightening is also not for everyone, so it is important to talk to a professional and certified beautician before making any plans because it can have serious negative effects if not applied properly.
However, you have nothing to worry about if your hair is in good and capable hands, and being able to hold that style for so long will literally give you much more freedom than you could ever imagine with other methods.

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