Iowa Pell Grants
- The Pell Grant helps you pay for's building image by Leonid Tarassishin from
The Iowa Pell Grant is a way to help fund a college education in the state of Iowa. The Pell Grant is a federal grant, and it can be used in any college in Iowa, as long as it participates in the Federal Student Aid Program. - This federal grant is available to undergraduates with demonstrated financial need and is available to college students in Iowa who attend a college that participates in the Federal Student Aid Program. Given by the United States Department of Education, it is money that students do not have to pay back, and the amount varies on a yearly basis according to budget appropriations by Congress. The maximum Pell Grant for the 2009-10 school year was $4,731.
- To be eligible for the Pell Grant, several requirements must be met. You can't be in default on a student loan or have a Pell overpayment. You must attend a school that participates in such federal financial aid programs and have undergraduate status or participation in certain post-baccalaureate teaching certification program. You can't be incarcerated and must demonstrate financial need with an Expected Family Contribution--what you and your family are expected to cover of your education costs--under $3,850. You must maintain satisfactory academic performance.
- Fill out a FAFSA, a Free Application for Federal Student Aid. You can find these at your school or fill one out online at Your school will automatically check to see if you meet the requirements for a federal Pell Grant. Make sure you meet the deadline for FAFSA submissions for the upcoming school year, which is usually the end of June, filling out the six-digit federal codes for the schools you are most likely to be attending in the upcoming school year. You'll know if you're eligible for the Iowa Pell Grant by your EFC, which should be less than $3,850.