Travel & Places United States

Attractions for Adults in Memphis, Tennessee


    • Graceland is a museum and was the residence of the late Elvis Presley. The Graceland Mansion tour includes Elvis' living room, music room, parents' bedroom, dining room, kitchen, TV room, pool room and the famous room. The meditation garden is the last stop on the tour Mansion and where Elvis and members of his family have been buried and laid to rest. After the guided tour, you are allowed to roam freely and explore other parts of the 14-acre estate, such as the Vernon Presley business office, Elvis racquetball building, and Elvis' trophy building--where his gold and platinum records are kept with other memorabilia. The tour is open daily and parking in on-site for a fee.


      3734 Elvis Presley Blvd.

      Memphis, TN 38116


    Memphis Rock n' Soul Museum

    • The Memphis Rock 'n' Soul Museum was created and developed by the famous Smithsonian Institution. The main purpose of the museum is to tell the story of various musical pioneers who overcame racial and economic barriers to create music that influenced the world we live in today. Given the length of the digital audio tour, over four hours, is recommended for adults. This tour includes over 100 songs, three audio visual programs, 30 instruments, forty costumes and other musical surprises. The museum is open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Admission is $10 for adults.

      Memphis Rock n' Soul Museum

      191 Beale St. Suite 100

      Memphis, TN 38106


    Ghost River Brewing

    • The Ghost River Brewing's motto is "great water makes great beer." Ghost River brews its beer with the water from the local wetlands. The Ghost River wetlands also supply local drinking water. With the spirit of giving back, the Ghost River Brewing donates a portion of the proceeds of each barrel to the Wolf River Conservancy. Ghost River Brewing offers brewery tours every Saturday afternoon starting at 1PM. The tour is free for adults 21 years of age or older. A reservation for the tour is required and can be made over the phone only by calling 901-278-0087 extension 208.

      Ghost River Brewing

      827 South Main St.

      Memphis, TN 38106


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