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Motorcycle Helmet Safety Statistics

Every year, thousands of motorcyclists lose their lives on the road because of dangerous drivers and mistakes with alcohol abuse.
In these instances, a helmet can go a great deal to protect a rider's head and brain, and may even save a motorcyclist's life.
A helmet protects the rider's brain from serious injuries that can cause severe bleeding or trauma.
As even relatively minor injuries can have major effects on the brain, protective gear can be the difference between life and death.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration published findings from a 2006 study reinforcing the commonly held belief that helmet use promotes increased survivability in a motorcycle accident.
This study took crash information from the year and analyzed the injuries sustained by the riders involved, measuring both survived instances and fatal collisions.
As a result, they were able to determine roughly how effective helmet use is.
According to the national figures, over 4,800 motorcycle riders died in 2006 from injuries sustained in motorcycle accidents.
Additionally, the study determined that an additional one-third of riders in accidents, totaling over 1,600 people, would have died had they not been wearing a helmet.
As fatalities are not solely caused by head injuries in motorcycle accidents, this figure is beyond impressive in terms of motorcycle helmets' effectiveness.
In addition to these numbers, the study determined that a sizeable portion of the 4,800 deaths in 2006 could have been prevented with helmet use.
Looking at the injuries linked to the accidents of that year, the study estimated that 752 individuals would have survived their collisions had they been wearing a helmet at the time.
Unfortunately, wearing a motorcycle helmet cannot help prevent an accident caused by a dangerous driver.
If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, contact an experienced motorcycle accident attorney today.

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