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Different Kinds of Flowering Moss

    Sandhills Pyxie-Moss

    • Sandhills pyxie-moss (Pyxidanthera brevifolia) is an endangered creeping "subshrub" native to North and South Carolina. This evergreen plant belongs to the Diapensiaceae family. Sandhills pyxie-moss has small succulent basal leaves covered in tiny hairs that resemble a star. The perennial flowers of Sandhills pyxie-moss are solitary blossoms. The blossoms are pure white with five petals and yellow centers. Pyxie-moss blooms from March to April, according to the North Carolina Native Plant Society, although the North Carolina State University Libraries' website indicates a longer bloom period.

    Moss Phlox

    • Moss phlox (Phlox subulata) is a perennial ground cover indigenous to the eastern United States. This Polemoniaceae family plant grows to 6 inches in height with a spread of 2 feet. The needlelike evergreen to semievergreen foliage of moss phlox has a dense arrangement. The five-petaled flowers come in an assortment of shades, including pink, white, blue-purple and lavender. Moss phlox blooms early to midspring. Moss phlox thrives in full sun to partial shade and moist yet well-draining soil.

    Moss Verbena

    • Moss verbena (Verbena tenuisecta) is a drought-tolerant, herbaceous, semiwoody plant belonging to the Verbenaceae family. This 6- to 12-inch-tall South American native has a low-growing formation with a spread of 3 to 6 feet. The evergreen, lacy, mosslike foliage has a medium green hue that often turns red during winter. The flowers of moss verbena bloom in the spring until summer. Moss verbena develops terminal clusters of a variety of purple and white shades. Plants growing in full sun tend to have a mat formation, whereas plants that live in the shade develop an upright configuration.

    Moss Rose

    • Moss rose (Portulaca grandiflora) is a heat- and drought-tolerant annual originating from South America. A member of the Portulacaceae family, this herbaceous plant grows to a height of 6 to 8 inches. Moss roses have a spread of 6 to 12 inches and a spreading or cascading formation. Gardeners use moss roses as ground cover, in borders and as hanging plants. The flowers of the moss rose flourish summer to fall, and the 1-inch-long blossoms resemble roses. Moss roses come in shades of rose, red, white, yellow and orange.

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