Improve Your Coping Skills For Anxiety
Coping skills for anxiety are an essential element in living in a high stress environment and remaining resilient and flexible.
According to the World Health Organization, depression and anxiety are among the most prevalent and disabling disorders facing us today, and this trend is expected to rise in the foreseeable future.
Being human seems to involve a certain amount of emotional trauma.
Often past traumas can be behind anxiety in the form of unresolved emotions.
Sometimes we may even be carrying around emotions that have been unresolved since childhood.
Traumatic events that happen in childhood effect us at the most vulnerable time before we have developed healthy coping skills to deal with such events.
As a result, as children we do the best we can and may learn coping tactics that become counterproductive as we grow into adults and have more options available.
It's not uncommon for the coping strategies that we adopted as children to be at least part of the cause of our anxiety or depression.
Some researchers believe that unconscious suppression of unresolved emotions may be at the root of many physical and psychological illnesses.
As we outgrow our childhood emotional patterns we all have to update our coping skills for anxiety from time to time.
Suppression of "negative" emotions is a normal part of our social conditioning, but these emotions can build up and cause stress and anxiety.
Learning to manage these emotions is simply a matter of how we pay attention.
When we are anxious or under stress, we are usually in the familiar "fight or flight" mode which is the hyper-alert beta brain wave pattern.
This is a survival based pattern of narrow focus that we use for focused, concentrated attention.
It's now known that operating from beta waves all the time is one reason stress tends to build and become a problem.
Neurofeedback, biofeedback and meditation are some training methods that can help you to learn new coping skills for anxiety which are based on alpha brain waves.
Alpha brain waves are lower frequency than beta and are experienced as a pleasurable, relaxed and effortless alertness.
The trick is to learn to function from alpha wave, open focus awareness throughout your daily life.
Herbal and natural remedies like passionflower and green tea are another way to help "tip the scales" toward a more relaxed and alert state of mind.
According to the World Health Organization, depression and anxiety are among the most prevalent and disabling disorders facing us today, and this trend is expected to rise in the foreseeable future.
Being human seems to involve a certain amount of emotional trauma.
Often past traumas can be behind anxiety in the form of unresolved emotions.
Sometimes we may even be carrying around emotions that have been unresolved since childhood.
Traumatic events that happen in childhood effect us at the most vulnerable time before we have developed healthy coping skills to deal with such events.
As a result, as children we do the best we can and may learn coping tactics that become counterproductive as we grow into adults and have more options available.
It's not uncommon for the coping strategies that we adopted as children to be at least part of the cause of our anxiety or depression.
Some researchers believe that unconscious suppression of unresolved emotions may be at the root of many physical and psychological illnesses.
As we outgrow our childhood emotional patterns we all have to update our coping skills for anxiety from time to time.
Suppression of "negative" emotions is a normal part of our social conditioning, but these emotions can build up and cause stress and anxiety.
Learning to manage these emotions is simply a matter of how we pay attention.
When we are anxious or under stress, we are usually in the familiar "fight or flight" mode which is the hyper-alert beta brain wave pattern.
This is a survival based pattern of narrow focus that we use for focused, concentrated attention.
It's now known that operating from beta waves all the time is one reason stress tends to build and become a problem.
Neurofeedback, biofeedback and meditation are some training methods that can help you to learn new coping skills for anxiety which are based on alpha brain waves.
Alpha brain waves are lower frequency than beta and are experienced as a pleasurable, relaxed and effortless alertness.
The trick is to learn to function from alpha wave, open focus awareness throughout your daily life.
Herbal and natural remedies like passionflower and green tea are another way to help "tip the scales" toward a more relaxed and alert state of mind.