How to Prevent Bacterial Vaginosis Naturally
We've all heard the old adage "prevention is better than the cure" and as far as BV is concerned, this is very true indeed.
If you suffer from this condition, you will doubtless be wondering how to prevent bacterial vaginosis in the first place and this is certainly the best strategy! Prevention of BV is partly about recognizing your own personal trigger points and avoiding them.
However, its not always that easy.
You also need to know what to do about any minor outbreaks and how to prevent them becoming a full-blown attack.
As well as avoiding your trigger points, it is essential to ensure that your body is resistant to the common causes by using strategies to strengthen and enhance your immune system.
So, what practical steps can you take? If you would like to know how to prevent bacterial vaginosis, firstly, ensure that you eat a good healthy diet including at least 5 portions of fresh fruits and vegetables and at least 2 liters of water.
Ensuring you are healthy inside can often prevent various conditions forming, and BV is no exception.
Next, ensure your immune system is healthy.
You may wish to consider taking a supplement of probiotics and maybe a good all-round multivitamin.
Next, avoid the common trigger points, which include smoking, overwashing, a change of sexual partner, wearing synthetic panties and even douching.
Another preventative measure is to add a few drops of tea tree oil to your bath a couple of times a week to help kill off any stray harmful bacteria.
Knowing how to prevent bacterial vaginosis naturally is for the best as women who are subject to recurrent outbreaks are much more likely to get pelvic inflammatory disease or even infertility.
If you suffer from this condition, you will doubtless be wondering how to prevent bacterial vaginosis in the first place and this is certainly the best strategy! Prevention of BV is partly about recognizing your own personal trigger points and avoiding them.
However, its not always that easy.
You also need to know what to do about any minor outbreaks and how to prevent them becoming a full-blown attack.
As well as avoiding your trigger points, it is essential to ensure that your body is resistant to the common causes by using strategies to strengthen and enhance your immune system.
So, what practical steps can you take? If you would like to know how to prevent bacterial vaginosis, firstly, ensure that you eat a good healthy diet including at least 5 portions of fresh fruits and vegetables and at least 2 liters of water.
Ensuring you are healthy inside can often prevent various conditions forming, and BV is no exception.
Next, ensure your immune system is healthy.
You may wish to consider taking a supplement of probiotics and maybe a good all-round multivitamin.
Next, avoid the common trigger points, which include smoking, overwashing, a change of sexual partner, wearing synthetic panties and even douching.
Another preventative measure is to add a few drops of tea tree oil to your bath a couple of times a week to help kill off any stray harmful bacteria.
Knowing how to prevent bacterial vaginosis naturally is for the best as women who are subject to recurrent outbreaks are much more likely to get pelvic inflammatory disease or even infertility.