Removal of Folsom Trees
- 1). Visit the City of Folsom Community Development Department, located at 50 Natoma Street, and inquire about a tree permit. Owners wanting to remove a tree must acquire a permit by filling out a tree permit application. You will be required to pay a compliance deposit as well as either a mitigation fee or a mitigation plan. You cannot legally remove a tree in Folsom without the proper permits.
- 2). Decide which direction the tree will fall. A falling tree can be dangerous and cause harm to people and structures. The direction in which the tree will fall must be free of buildings, homes and telephone and power lines.
- 3). Create an escape path before beginning the tree removal process. The escape path is the route you will take after you have created the last cut in the tree trunk. This path will run directly behind the falling tree and must be free of obstacles.
- 4). Check the chainsaw blade for sharpness and quality. If the blade is dull or has any nicks present, replace with a new blade. Fill the chainsaw with enough gas to finish the job. Don a pair of safety goggles and thick work gloves.
- 5). Turn the chainsaw on and make a 45-degree notch that measures one-fourth of the diameter of the tree trunk. This is the undercut, and you must cut this notch on the side of the trunk that is facing the direction the tree will fall.
- 6). Move to the opposite side of the tree and begin cutting 2 inches higher than the undercut. This is the backcut. When making the backcut, do not cut all the way through to the undercut. Doing so will cause the tree to fall unpredictably.
- 7). Turn the chainsaw off immediately and carefully but quickly, walk away from the falling tree using the escape path. Allow the tree to fall on its own. This may take several minutes. After the tree is down, use the chainsaw to cut it into smaller pieces for easier removal.