Pet Cemetery Burial Options
If you've chosen to have your pooch interred at a pet cemetery, you will need to decide if you want the body cremated first or just buried in a casket.
Both methods are very personal decisions to make, so it's best to take your time when faced with this choice.
For generations, families have traditionally buried their pets at home in gardens or other special spots in the yard.
The idea behind this was to keep the animal close to home even if it weren't alive anymore.
This method was inexpensive and logical to do in many situations.
However, today's society is more transient.
Families move more often than in years past.
They don't want to leave a beloved pet buried in the backyard when they pack up and move away.
This is just one of the reasons why people choose to have their pets laid to rest in cemeteries.
There are no worries about leaving "Fido" behind because he will always be in the same spot at the pet cemetery, undisturbed and cared for, "in perpetuity.
" Pet Cremations Becoming More Common Cremation is one that is offered by burial pet cemeteries.
Many locations have a crematorium on-site to handle these requests.
Once done, the animal's remains can then be buried in one of the cemetery's plots or the ashes can be returned to the owner for scattering or storing in a pet urn at home.
The benefits of this type of burial are that it is more eco-friendly and healthier for the environment, especially if you choose a green burial pet cemetery.
Often, families will choose to keep a portion of ashes for themselves and bury the rest.
Another benefit of cremation is that it is the less expensive alternative for many.
Caskets can be quite costly; however, burying a small container of ashes means you will be selecting a smaller plot size to contain the remains.
There are quite a few advantages to cremating your pet.
You can have that final visual "good-bye" before your pet is cremated, and you can you snip off a lock of fur if you haven't already.
Several religions, however, are against the practice of cremation, therefore will only bury their animals.
Choosing Traditional Pet Burials If the thought of cremating your deceased pet doesn't sit well with you, there is still the option of having a traditional burial, complete with a coffin and vault.
Individuals select this method because it is what they are most comfortable with, what their faith calls for or because they want a "place" to come visit their beloved pet.
Having a funeral for a pet is not much different from having one for a human.
You contact a local pet cemetery and then go in and pick out the burial plot's location, type and size of casket, concrete vault, monument or headstone.
Lot sizes typically come in single- or group size.
The cemetery staff member will also help you outline the funeral including the date and time of the service.
Most facilities will allow you to have a final, private goodbye with your pet before it is buried and encourage you to be present for the burial.
You may also be notified when the monument, memorial stone, or headstone is put into place as well.
The advantages of having a pet burial are that you will have someone else handling everything, leaving you time to grieve.
By walking through the whole process and physically being there when the animal is buried may give you some closure.
The downside of pet burials is that you may not find one near you, meaning you will have to drive a distance to visit your pet.
Also, they can be quite expensive, depending on how elaborate you want things.
Hard Decision to Make Whether you decide to cremate your pet or have it buried in a pet cemetery, the main thing is that you loved your pet and want to honor its memory when making the final arrangements.
Both methods are very personal decisions to make, so it's best to take your time when faced with this choice.
For generations, families have traditionally buried their pets at home in gardens or other special spots in the yard.
The idea behind this was to keep the animal close to home even if it weren't alive anymore.
This method was inexpensive and logical to do in many situations.
However, today's society is more transient.
Families move more often than in years past.
They don't want to leave a beloved pet buried in the backyard when they pack up and move away.
This is just one of the reasons why people choose to have their pets laid to rest in cemeteries.
There are no worries about leaving "Fido" behind because he will always be in the same spot at the pet cemetery, undisturbed and cared for, "in perpetuity.
" Pet Cremations Becoming More Common Cremation is one that is offered by burial pet cemeteries.
Many locations have a crematorium on-site to handle these requests.
Once done, the animal's remains can then be buried in one of the cemetery's plots or the ashes can be returned to the owner for scattering or storing in a pet urn at home.
The benefits of this type of burial are that it is more eco-friendly and healthier for the environment, especially if you choose a green burial pet cemetery.
Often, families will choose to keep a portion of ashes for themselves and bury the rest.
Another benefit of cremation is that it is the less expensive alternative for many.
Caskets can be quite costly; however, burying a small container of ashes means you will be selecting a smaller plot size to contain the remains.
There are quite a few advantages to cremating your pet.
You can have that final visual "good-bye" before your pet is cremated, and you can you snip off a lock of fur if you haven't already.
Several religions, however, are against the practice of cremation, therefore will only bury their animals.
Choosing Traditional Pet Burials If the thought of cremating your deceased pet doesn't sit well with you, there is still the option of having a traditional burial, complete with a coffin and vault.
Individuals select this method because it is what they are most comfortable with, what their faith calls for or because they want a "place" to come visit their beloved pet.
Having a funeral for a pet is not much different from having one for a human.
You contact a local pet cemetery and then go in and pick out the burial plot's location, type and size of casket, concrete vault, monument or headstone.
Lot sizes typically come in single- or group size.
The cemetery staff member will also help you outline the funeral including the date and time of the service.
Most facilities will allow you to have a final, private goodbye with your pet before it is buried and encourage you to be present for the burial.
You may also be notified when the monument, memorial stone, or headstone is put into place as well.
The advantages of having a pet burial are that you will have someone else handling everything, leaving you time to grieve.
By walking through the whole process and physically being there when the animal is buried may give you some closure.
The downside of pet burials is that you may not find one near you, meaning you will have to drive a distance to visit your pet.
Also, they can be quite expensive, depending on how elaborate you want things.
Hard Decision to Make Whether you decide to cremate your pet or have it buried in a pet cemetery, the main thing is that you loved your pet and want to honor its memory when making the final arrangements.