Pets & Animal Pets & Animal

Dog Lovers Universe Mega Pack

Are you having issues with your dog? Are you unable to leave your dog at home on account of the damage he causes to your furniture when you are gone? Is he sick often? In order to answer these common problems as well as a lot more, you need to read this review. Dogs can be a handful to begin with, bottom line, they make wonderful pets but the transition from menace to cuddly pet can be quite irksome and that's an understatement. If you have just bought your dog to his new home, chances are that you are going to find him peeing to glory come all over your new Turkish carpet which incidentally costs a lot. Dog pee stains are a bit hard to come off, so you need to get started right away on the training program. You need to let your dog understand that you are the alpha, the master and once he gets the message, he will follow your lead. That does not mean that you need to do a Jim Carrey in the living room and then say 'bad dog'. It may work well in movies but not in real life. Getting your dog to behave is but just one part of the pet care lesson, you need to be aware of the diseases that your dog can get and take effective measures before they lead into something serious. I had lost a pet once; let's just say that you do not want to go down that road. Besides the health issue, you need to know just what to feed your dog and make sure that he gets to eat healthy. As you can see, taking care of your pet can turn out to be one full fledged affair; you will need some additional help to make it all happen for you and your dog. For an ultimate take on pet guides, you will need to take a closer look at the 'dog lovers universe mega pack'.

The 'dog lovers universe mega pack' should provide you with all the info you need on every aspect of pet care and provides its content in audio, video as well as e-book format. To clarify, some parts of it are in the audio format, some in video and the rest in e-book. This guide should make it possible for you to keep track of your dog vis--vis his behavior and comes packed with all the training instructions you need to make your dog to listen to you. It should definitely get your dog to stop peeing in the carpet. You will be able to take care of your pet much better with this comprehensive guide in your pocket pc. From pet care to healthy food recipes, it provides you with content on just about anything and everything that your pet will require.

Here are a few specs on the product itself, it comes in 5 parts. The first one is audio-video presentation that gets you to communicate with your dog better and lets him know that you are in charge. The second part is all about dog diseases, how to better identify the lot, the protective measures to be taken and is provided in the e-book format. The third part is an e-book on dog foods; it provides you information on how to read labels on dog foods to the BARF diet. The fourth part is an e-book containing 534 healthy homemade dog food recipes that you can use to provide a healthy supplement for your pet.

The last part is an audio interview with a renowned dog expert and provides you with invaluable information on how to train your dog effectively and shows you how to house train your pet. You can use this part to deal with issues such as aggression, chewing, toilet training and much more. As you can see, this guide is a one stop pet care junction point, so for a complete take on dogs, you will need to make a beeline for this product and say 'woof'.

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