Technology Programming

Hidden Struts in JavaScript

    Hidden Implementation

    • JavaScript permits the divorcing of code in Java Applets and custom JSP tags from the web page design. This allows web designers to work without needing to program in the Java language. The model is the code portion and includes Java Applet modules. The model section allows for code to be separate from the HTML web page design and function. According to "Struts: Kick Start," "using Model components to hide the implementation details for interacting with remote systems is one of the keys to using Struts effectively."

    Hidden Variables

    • JavaScript struts use a variable called "struts-validator.war" and other variables to manage multi-page web forms. The hidden variable assigns a value to each web page. This hidden variable determines the validation of data fields for web pages ranked lower than the current page's variable. When the hidden variable is lower than the value of the current page, validation is performed on the web server.

    Hidden Strut Tags

    • Custom JSP tags are a standard language used to control the presentation of information on a web page. JavaScript struts contain a set of custom tags from custom JSP tags. The tag name "hidden" makes a field hidden to viewers. "Struts: the Complete Reference" states "hidden generates an HTML <input type=hidden"> tag populated with data from a specified object." Hidden fields can be designed to be visible to system administrators, website administrators and other authorized users. However, mandatory fields cannot be made hidden or users cannot make the necessary inputs.

    Hidden Templates

    • JST templates are standard code modules that can be placed in web pages. JST templates are provided with set functionality but are customizable. Common forms of JST templates include animation for websites and dynamic elements. JST templates need to be hidden because a change to their specialized markers and HTML code affects the entire web page. According to "Pro Ajax and Java Frameworks", "the creators of JST recommend hiding JST templates in textarea elements that are themselves hidden from the user's views." Running JST templates dynamically through Ajax is another means of hiding them.

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