Technology Programming

How to get started with Android Apps development?

With growing sales of android devices in international market, it is the best time for Android application developers to get started with some new exciting android apps. Before you enter into this immense arena, there are a few basic key tips which you must go through. These tips will help you out in journey towards building some ground breaking android apps in the future.

Understand the JAVA programming language:

JAVA being the main programming language of android operating system and apps is very essential to learn before you get started with developing some apps. Understating the basic tenants of JAVA programming language and learning different classes, objects, packages, interfaces and numbers is very important. Further knowledge of JAVA programming language includes Generics, concurrency and collections. The more knowledge you will attend to, the elegant and special your android apps will be. JAVA is main key to your every single Android Apps development project and you cannot deny its importance in any way. There are many tutorials and free guides to Develop Android Apps are available online which may help you in continuing your journey with positive progress. There are also some interesting paid eBooks available online for quick android apps basics knowledge.

Selection of development tools & environment:

Selection of your android development environment and tools to work with is the second most important part in your journey towards building a brand new android app. Getting familiar with the build automation tools and integrated development environment is very important in this regard. For the selection of Android tools you can use software like Eclipse and Android studio IDE. Both these software are available online for free and you can download them for better understanding of basic android development tools. There is a book available online with title "Developing with Eclipse". This helps you in understanding the basics of Eclipse and how to make efficient use of this software to develop robust and innovative android apps.

As far as the build automation is concerned, you can learn different apaches for this purpose. Go for Apache Maven, Apache Ant and Gradel as they include some amazing tools required for android apps build automation. To learn advance automation and programming, you must further go for learning Git and developing a git-source repository by creating a new account at Github. This will help you in understanding the advanced tools of android development and will further help you in creating fully automated apps for latest Android Lollypop version.

Take care of fragmentation:

The android market is pretty much fragmented with different OS versions and android devices available in the market. you must keep one thing in mind that while developing an android app, you should consider all the available android device hardware and operating systems. But making your app compatible with all versions of android will simply increase hassles of testing and maintenance cost of apps with all platforms. Different android devices like smartphones, tablets and phablets have different screen and resolution sizes. In order to provide equal and excellent performance on all these interfaces or to cover maximum number of android devices, you will be required to use appropriate fonts, layout and assets.

Considering User Interface facilities and android supported sensors at this stage is also very important as other things. The simple example we can quote here is that not all android devices available in the market are supporting same camera size or resolution which means each device or a set of devices require different parameters to ensure perfect performance.

Understanding Android apps class, activity, fragments and services:

All android apps consist of a class and one or more than activities. These activities further have one or two fragments and this is how this progress keeps on going. In order to become an Android apps development specialist, you should learn the essentials of all these components of android apps. This may take lots of hard work and efforts on your part but once you will have these tools available in left corner of your brain, the android apps world will become a real fun for you.

Understanding threads, Loaders and Tasks:

The user interface of any android app determines how much praise it would receive from the users. If the user interface of an app is not great then you cannot expect millions of downloads from it. Thus learning different threads, loaders and tasks of android apps is a vital rule to get your app stand among some top downloaded apps. In order to deliver maximum performance and amazing UI to users, you must not block threads.

These were a few basic rules and terms which beginner Android application developersmust consider before beginning their journey of developing a ground breaking android app for latest version of Android.

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