Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

Parrot Bluetooth Instructions


    • Pair your phone or audio player with your Parrot device by going into the Bluetooth menu of your device and selecting "Add a device" from the options. Select your Parrot hands-free kit or speaker system from the options that appear and when prompted, enter the pairing code for your Parrot device (found on the device itself) to connect the two.

    Power Up

    • Whenever your phone or audio player is powered on and within range of your Parrot device, they can be used together. The hands-free kit will display an on-screen prompt asking if you would like to use it with your phone or player. In the case of speakers, your audio player or phone will ask if you would like to use the speaker system.

    Stay in Range

    • Bluetooth only has a range of 30 feet, so keep your phone or audio player within 30 feet of the Parrot device you are trying to use with it to ensure the two stay connected and communicate with each other.

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