Health & Medical sports & Exercise

How to Telemark Ski the Halfpipe

  • 1). Gain some speed by skiing straight down the middle of the halfpipe, then turn towards a wall. Start out slow until you feel comfortable in the halfpipe.

  • 2). Ski straight up a wall, remaining in a low telemark stance with one knee dropped and close to the ground.

  • 3). Spring upwards by pushing off both skis when you feel your momentum being slowed down by the wall.

  • 4). Rotate your entire body down the wall and switch legs in the telemark stance. If you went up the wall with your right knee dropped, come down with your left knee dropped.

  • 5). Ski down the wall.

  • 6). Turn your skis to face down the middle part of the halfpipe again.

  • 7). Gain speed and then turn into the opposite wall of the halfpipe, repeating the move on this side.

  • 8). Keep turning from wall to wall until you run out of halfpipe.

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