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Sheffield Plumber : How Do I Remove A Radiator?

How do I remove a radiator?

I want to remove a radiator in my living room so I can decorate. How do I disconnect it?

How to remove a radiator

Removing a radiator can be done without draining the whole system.

Radiators have two valves either end of the radiator, one side will be operational this will either be a wheel head or a TRV (Thermostatic Radiator Valve) and the other side will have a lockshield this normally has a cone shaped cap on.
  • Firstly start off by isolating the radiator - to do this close both radiator valves. Turning the valves fully clockwise will close the valves, ( note the amount of turns its takes to close off the lockshield ) for the lockshield valve you will need to pull off the cone shaped cap, you will then see a brass stem with two flat edges to allow you to close the valve with spanner.
  • Check that the radiator is isolated - to do this use a radiator key and  unscrew the bleed valve at the top of the radiator you should get a steady trickle of water which will eventually stop if this is not the case, check you have fully closed off  the radiator valves.

Thermostatic radiator valves can sometimes leak even when fully closed, if you are leaving the radiator of for a long period of time it may be better to a cap off the valve.

Make sure you have some rags and a bowl beneath the radiator before you begin. You will also need a large bucket to empty the water from the bowl.
  • Open the bleed valve (this will allow water to drain from the radiator)
  • Loosen radiator valves - With a pair of water pump pliers or similar grip the valve body to prevent any damage to pipework. With an adjustable spanner loosen the nut which connects the valve to the radiator.
  • Drain Radiator - Water will then start to trickle out, let the water run into the bowl (it will help if you have the larger bucket to hand to empty the water from the smaller bowl. Continue this until the water has stopped running.
  • Remove the radiator - depending on the size of the radiator, it will help if there are two people to remove it. Close the bleed valve and block both holes with rags, then simply lift the radiator up off the brackets (do not pull the radiator as this will pull the brackets off the wall) then turn upside down as there may be excess water and sludge. 

Refit the radiator
  1. 1.    Lift the radiator back onto its brackets
  2. 2.    With the water pump pliers grip the valve body and with the adjustable spanners tighten the union nuts.
  3. 3.    Slowly open the lockshield valve (turning anti-clockwise) turn it the same amount of turns it took to turn it off. At this stage you can start checking both valves for leaks.
  4. 4.    Turn on the thermostatic radiator valve or wheelhead.
  5. 5.    Then open the bleed valve using the radiator key, this will allow any trapped air to escape
  6. 6.    Once water starts to trickle from the bleed valve close it.

Always exercise extreme caution when carrying out any plumbing repairs, as mistakes can be costly.  If you are unsure feel free to contact us via our website below: 

Sheffield plumber.

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