Technology Electronics

Characteristic of VMS

Ironroad AB has developed video messaging service (VMS) as the next step in trilogy of SMS and MMS. Other than video messaging, VMS has numerous other functions like video calls, video chat, and even creating, browsing, commenting and uploading on online videos via mobile phone. This means that in addition to the existing numerous benefits of a mobile phone, another major advantage has now been added. Other than its basic functions, the other features of VMS that make it stand out are:

Privacy Settings

Other users will only be able to share VMS content if you accept their permission to share VMS content. In order to seek permission, the other users send a request for subscription to your VMS content.

All the VMS data is centrally stored instead of getting stored on your phone. This means that somebody who accesses your phone will not be able to access your VMS content. This maintains the privacy of your VMS content.


Video messaging service also facilitates mass distribution of video SMS and other VMS content. This means that VMS can be extremely lucrative for marketing and advertising purposes. An advertisement can be added to distributed content or even sent as a video SMS. Since there are millions of mobile phone users, VMS may just become the best form of advertising in the coming times as each advertisement can reach a number of users in a short time with lesser investment.

Video Blogs/ Celebrity Blogs

The users can create, view, comment, and upload video blogs right from their phone with VMS. Regularly updating your video blogs can help in increasing the traffic to the video blog. You can stay updated with the video blogs that you have subscribed to.

In comparison to MMS, VMS is fast and inexpensive. Moreover, while an MMS supports up to 30 seconds of video content, video messaging service supports up to 5 minutes of video content. It has superior picture clarity and is simple to use. A video SMS is sent in the same way as a text message, the only difference being that instead of typing a text message you have to record a video, which saves time and adds a more personal touch to communication.

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