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César Alierta, one of the leading Spaniards in 2010

Csar Alierta, chairman of Telefonica, has been named by TIEMPO magazine one of the ten most important Spaniards in 2010.

Apart from Csar Alierta, the other nine chosen by TIEMPO are: Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, Artur Mas, Toms Gmez, Antonio Basagoiti, Vicente del Bosque, Rafael Nadal, Sara Carbonero, Ana Maria Matute and Mario Vargas Llosa.

This initiative of TIEMPO -the leading news magazine in Spain-, recalls the famous "Man of the Year" the U.S. weekly TIME announces on its cover every December. The selection has been made by the editors of the magazine among those spaniards who have excelled in 2010. Cesar Alierta is known for his work as leader of Telefnica.

The article of "The 10 of 2010" contains the testimony of each of those selected. They assessed the past year and shared their wishes for the new year 2011.

This award joins other prizes and recognitions received by Csar Alierta this year. Among them, the Golden Award of the Americas Society and the Medalla de Oro -Golden Medal- of the City of Zaragoza -Saragossa, Spain.

More on Cesar Alierta

Born 5 May 1945, Cesar Alierta holds a degree in law from the University of Zaragoza and earned an MBA at the University of Columbia (New York) in 1970.

He has been Chairman of Telefnica since July 2000, and member of the Boards of Directors of China Unicom and Telecom Italia.

From September, 2010, he has been and independent board member, chairman of the Remuneration Committee and a member of the Nominations Committee of the Board of Directors of International Consolidated Airlines Group (IAG), the company resulting from the merger of Iberia and British Airways.

Csar Alierta

Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Telefnica

Born 5 May 1945, Cesar Alierta holds a degree in law from the University of Zaragoza and earned an MBA at the University of Columbia (New York) in 1970.

He has been Chairman of Telefnica since July 2000, and member of the Boards of Directors of China Unicom and Telecom Italia.

From September, 2010, he has been and independent board member, chairman of the Remuneration Committee and a member of the Nominations Committee of the Board of Directors of International Consolidated Airlines Group (IAG), the company resulting from the merger of Iberia and British Airways.

Alierta is also member of the Colombia Business School Board of Overseers and chairman of the Social Board of the UnED (national Long Distance Spanish University).

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