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What Men Want In A Woman: Female Flair

What men want in a woman is female flair. Naturally, this is something that only a woman can give. Men love women because of your femininity. If you can use this femininity in everyday during marriage, we can assure you that we'll never want to stop heaping love on you. Below are three ways that you can use your natural femininity to re-attract your husband to keep him coming back for more.

1. Natural subtlety

Women are naturally subtle. Even though us guys can be confused by what you mean at times, if you use your natural feminine subtlety to imply what you want, we'll tag along. Just make sure that you're not so subtle that end up totally misinterpreting what you want.

This is an example of playing hard to get, but on a small scale. There's no reason you can't flirt when you're married. Just make sure to do whatever you did when you were still dating and you'll find that your man will play your game.

2. Keep on running...

Playing hard to get is one of the oldest dating practices in the world. People don't often associate it with marriages, but what's stopping you from doing it when you're married? I'd like to think of marriage as a perpetual game of "tiggy". One person is it, the other person chases. He/She catches the other person, and they swap. Rinse and repeat.

Women who exhibit their female flair make good targets to chase. If women don't run we guys can't chase. We get lazy, and our marriage stagnates. It's better to run and "keep fit" than it is to get too complacent in marriage. That's what causes rifts to occur.

3. Confidence

Female confidence in my opinion is more attractive than male confidence. That's because male confidence is more wide-spread than female confidence. If you have a female who's confident about what she wants in life and is successful because she's worked hard for whatever she wants out of life.

If you exhibit female flair in your relationship with your husband, he will respect what you have to say. Respect breeds respect and assuming he's a confident individual as well, you'll be a pretty strong couple.

What men want in a woman is someone who exhibits natural female flair. Things like confidence, knowing how to play the hard to get and being naturally subtle all keep the marriage alive and breathing. What ways do you show your female flair to your husband?

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