How to Stop Your Dog From Chewing Up Your Precious Possessions
Keep Them from Chewing Up Your Precious Possessions.
Dogs acts of chewing can be for many reasons.
They just like it - a natural chewer.
Bored? Teething? Nervous? Lonely? Wrongful chewing or better known destructive chewing is the kind of chewing habit that is focused on your own possessions and household items, instead of on the designated toys and chews you gave your dog.
Just about anything your dog chews on is going to show quickly the effects of it's powerful jaws and sharp canines.
Why dogs chew? Here's three main reason...
1) They don't get enough exercise often use chewing as a way of burning up nervous energy, giving themselves something to do.
Chewing provides a lonely, bored, or nervous dog with an outlet for her emotions.
The repetitive act of chewing is comforting to your dog.
They have a natural tendency to chew.
The tendency to chew can be viewed as fun, a tasty treat if smells and taste delicious, or just to pass the time away.
How to STOP Your Dog from Chewing Items Your Precious Belongings.
First you must dog proof your home by keeping out of reach anything that you do not want them to get a hold of.
They are curious and even the most well behaved ones can get into mischief.
Keep in mind their size, agility and reach.
Some common items that fall victim are slippers, shoes, cell phones, cameras, and remote controls.
Furthermore, food, human food is always a favorite for dogs so: a) Never leave food on low tables, countertops.
b) Put all food away and out of reach.
Use containers and store in the pantry.
c) Clean your dirty plates of any food scraps and try not to leaving them by the sink.
Second, never give them items too similar to items that you don't want them to chew.
That'll be like setting them up for failure.
For example, do not offer them old clothes, slippers, or any other old items to chew and play with.
They will not know the difference between your new item and old item.
Third, correct your dog immediately when you catch them chewing something inappropriate by interrupting them by making a loud noise.
It can be as simple as a clap of your hands, NO command, or just something of verbal like "Ehhhhhh or Aaaah!" Soon after follow it with by handing them the item you prefer or allow your dog to chew, an appropriate alternative.
This could be a frozen rawhide bone or other chew toy.
Praise them as soon as their jaws close around the alternative chew item.
Fourth, supervise your dogs as much as you can while they are loose and about.
This will allow you to correct them immediately and reinforce the behaviour that you desire.
You must be patient and consistent.
This will prevent your dog from wrongful chewing, learn your house rules, in an environment that's been dog-proofed.
You can continue to crate train (for travel purposes) until your comfortable to leave them alone.
Fifth, having lots of alternatives for them is a plus.
Keep in mind, dogs when teething have a need to chew.
Provide them with tasty alternatives to keep them from targeting your possessions.
Get enough toys and chews and rotate them to keep your dog interested and occupied.
Aways keep a productive and positive attitude.
Don't aim too high remember to keep your expectations realistic.
Nobody's perfect, and neither is your dog.
Be patient and consistent while training your dog.
Happy Tails..
Dogs acts of chewing can be for many reasons.
They just like it - a natural chewer.
Bored? Teething? Nervous? Lonely? Wrongful chewing or better known destructive chewing is the kind of chewing habit that is focused on your own possessions and household items, instead of on the designated toys and chews you gave your dog.
Just about anything your dog chews on is going to show quickly the effects of it's powerful jaws and sharp canines.
Why dogs chew? Here's three main reason...
1) They don't get enough exercise often use chewing as a way of burning up nervous energy, giving themselves something to do.
Chewing provides a lonely, bored, or nervous dog with an outlet for her emotions.
The repetitive act of chewing is comforting to your dog.
They have a natural tendency to chew.
The tendency to chew can be viewed as fun, a tasty treat if smells and taste delicious, or just to pass the time away.
How to STOP Your Dog from Chewing Items Your Precious Belongings.
First you must dog proof your home by keeping out of reach anything that you do not want them to get a hold of.
They are curious and even the most well behaved ones can get into mischief.
Keep in mind their size, agility and reach.
Some common items that fall victim are slippers, shoes, cell phones, cameras, and remote controls.
Furthermore, food, human food is always a favorite for dogs so: a) Never leave food on low tables, countertops.
b) Put all food away and out of reach.
Use containers and store in the pantry.
c) Clean your dirty plates of any food scraps and try not to leaving them by the sink.
Second, never give them items too similar to items that you don't want them to chew.
That'll be like setting them up for failure.
For example, do not offer them old clothes, slippers, or any other old items to chew and play with.
They will not know the difference between your new item and old item.
Third, correct your dog immediately when you catch them chewing something inappropriate by interrupting them by making a loud noise.
It can be as simple as a clap of your hands, NO command, or just something of verbal like "Ehhhhhh or Aaaah!" Soon after follow it with by handing them the item you prefer or allow your dog to chew, an appropriate alternative.
This could be a frozen rawhide bone or other chew toy.
Praise them as soon as their jaws close around the alternative chew item.
Fourth, supervise your dogs as much as you can while they are loose and about.
This will allow you to correct them immediately and reinforce the behaviour that you desire.
You must be patient and consistent.
This will prevent your dog from wrongful chewing, learn your house rules, in an environment that's been dog-proofed.
You can continue to crate train (for travel purposes) until your comfortable to leave them alone.
Fifth, having lots of alternatives for them is a plus.
Keep in mind, dogs when teething have a need to chew.
Provide them with tasty alternatives to keep them from targeting your possessions.
Get enough toys and chews and rotate them to keep your dog interested and occupied.
Aways keep a productive and positive attitude.
Don't aim too high remember to keep your expectations realistic.
Nobody's perfect, and neither is your dog.
Be patient and consistent while training your dog.
Happy Tails..