Major Challenges for Military Leadership
- As the attacks of 9/11 show, events in other countries can have a powerful impact on politics and security in the U.S. -- even countries that are militarily insignificant. Terrorists draw support from factions all over the globe to wage what experts refer to as "asymmetric warfare." To combat these new threats the military strives to change its force structure to appropriately defend against potential threats.
- To combat threats to national security, alliances with other nations are as important as ever. Coalitions come with their own issues, however. With long-term alliances, come cultural differences Developing protocols for achieving common goals on the battlefield is not only crucial to achieve military objectives, but to achieve diplomatic ones as well.
- While technology can save lives on the battlefield, it adds a layer of complexity to operations. Developing, deploying and adapting technology to a chaotic battlefield is a major part of modern military operations. Military leadership oversees all these changes.
- The overseas battlefield is not the only place where technological competence is required. A recent cyber attack coming from Chinese territory has underscored the vulnerability of U.S. networks to attacks from overseas. Cyber security is a top priority for the Pentagon, with a multitude of potential policy changes to consider -- including creating a separate intranet for the military's exclusive use.