Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Dispose of Muratic Acid After Cleaning a Pool

    • 1). Put on your rubber gloves, face mask and safety goggles. Muriatic acid is extremely corrosive and can cause severe burns and injury if you spill it onto your skin.

    • 2). Place 1 lb. of sodium bicarbonate into the bucket and fill it about 1/2 full of water. Do not try to fully dissolve the sodium in the water, but instead make sure that there is still some visible at the bottom of the bucket.

    • 3). Very slowly and carefully pour the leftover acid into the bucket. The mixture will start steaming and bubbling as soon as the acid touches the mix, so be very careful as you pour. Stir the mixture with the plastic rod lightly as you pour.

    • 4). Continue pouring until you have poured all the acid into the bucket, then step back and wait for the sizzling and bubbling to stop. If it does not stop, add more sodium bicarbonate until it does.

    • 5). Examine the mixture once the fizzing has stopped. There should be a sort of paste on the bottom formed from the bicarbonate and the neutralized acid. Once this paste is visible, you can safely dispose of the mixture by pouring it down a drain as the acid has been completely neutralized.

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