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Before You Break-in or Drive the T-Maxx 3.3 the First Time

Since it was introduced in 2000, the Traxxas T-Maxx monster truck has enjoyed on-going popularity. But even Traxxas acknowledges that there are few things that T-Maxx owners need to do to alleviate a few shortcomings that result in recurring problems with engine performance, stability, and durability. By taking these steps prior to running your T-Maxx for the first time -- even before performing an engine break-in -- you'll be able to get all the thrills, spills, and kills out of the T-Maxx Monster Truck that it's capable of delivering.

Add a Fuel Filter

Before you ever attempt the break-in process, add an in-line fuel filter. These are usually inexpensive and are easy to install. The fuel filter, as its name suggests, filters the fuel to keep gunk out of the engine, thus prolonging the life of your RC.

Glue All the Tires

Beginners often forget to glue the tires and then wonder why they fly off and smack the neighbors cat. Then there's the whole "You tried to kill my cat!" thing and the fight that ensues. All the while your nitro is burning fuel. It's a big mess that no one needs. Just glue the tires to the rim. Not to the foam. Do not get any glue on the foam inside the tires. It will melt and then you're stuck wondering why your wheels go from round huggin' fattys to razor edge slabs of rubber when you hit the throttle. No. No. No. Ugh, just glue the tires. This applies to most hobby-grade RCs, not just the T-Maxx.

Replace the Shock Oil

I recommend, as do others, to replace the stock shock oil with 50wt-60wt oil before driving your T-Maxx.

The stock oil is pretty thin and tends to make the truck handle more like an Explorer with a 6 foot lift kit on a hair-pin turn. Okay that's a bit of an exaggeration. Thicker weight oil, tougher shocks, better stability, happy driver. 'Nuf said.

Do Regular Maintenance

With proper after-run maintenance you should experience no problems with your T-Maxx whether you have the new 3.3, the 2.5R, or an earlier model. Clean all your filters -- fuel filter, if installed, and the air filter -- after each run, or at least before you run it again. If you don't have a fuel filter or have never cleaned it and don't see the point, I'll see ya at the hobby shop next time your engine dies on you and you have to drop $150 for another 3.3. Third one this month? I'm sure they won't mind helping you with that.

Tune Your Engine

Having your engine properly tuned is vital to performance and longevity. If you're having problems tuning your T-Maxx try setting the needle valve to about 2 1/2 turns from fully closed. This is the factory preset and is a good starting point. Make very small adjustments from that point. Engines vary and each one will be tuned differently. If all else fails, take it to the hobby shop and they can help you professionally tune the beast.

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