Health & Medical Beauty & Style

Cool Hairstyles for Long Hair


    • Cut your hair in an asymmetrical cut. There are several asymmetrical cut options depending on how much of a risk you want to take and how bold you want your cut to be. Asymmetrical cuts, especially radical cuts, draw attention. You can cut your hair very short in the back, just above the nape of your neck and leave long, layered strands framing your face. For a less bold cut, you can simply cut your hair in fierce layers, leaving one layer longer than the other framing your face.

    Radical Ponytails

    • Variations on ponytails are considered cool and fashionable. You can pull your hair into two ponytails, one on each side of your head, allowing strands to frame your face and neck. You also can add colored streaks to various strands. You even can make the ponytails uneven and distorted or stylishly messy.

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