CAUTION! 3 Penis Enlargement Myths You MUST Avoid at All Costs (Don"t Get Ripped Off Again)
If you are interested in making your penis bigger from home..
you probably have read a lot of articles.
You've probably read a bunch of blog and forum posts, and a whole bunch of web (and TV) advertisements as well.
But if you've tried any of the products that many of these companies sell, you've probably found yourself VERY disappointed in the results you've been able to achieve.
(me too!) With this in mind, let's take a quick and insightful look at 3 of the BIGGEST penis enlargement myths out there..
and why you should avoid them at all costs as well: Myth #1: Enlargement Pills Work for Permanent Size Improvements The truth? There is really no pill that has ever been proven to permanently lengthen or grow the penis.
As a matter of fact, SOME of the pills out there can have a very temporary benefit (i.
- they can help you get more blood flow to the penis while erect) but those gains usually only last mere minutes, and disappear when your erection goes away.
(no real size gains at all) Myth #2: Hanging Weights are a Great Way to Lengthen the Penis Again, not only is this NOT true, it's actually a dangerous practice which should be avoided at all costs.
Why? Weights can literally tear tissue, tendons, ligaments and other important parts of your anatomy that are critical to staying "fit"..
:-) Some men have had internal bleeding, blood vessels burst and more...
all because they've tried to use weights to stretch their penis in an "unnatural" way.
My best advice? Stay away..
they don't work, and CAN lead to long term injuries you DON'T want to deal with.
Myth #3: Pumps & Pulleys Were Created for Penis Enlargement Purposes The truth? They were created years ago for sexual dysfunction in diabetic men suffering from E.
(nothing to do with size) The truth? There are no documented cases of men who have gotten ANY gains at all from these devices, and the only thing that really get bigger from pumps are the BANK accounts of the companies that market them.
(don't get snookered by fancy web marketing campaigns again) The bottom line? The ONLY proven path to penis enlargement that is permanent is exercise.
The good news is they are EASY to learn, inexpensive to master and DON'T have any risk of injury (or embarrassment) like the LIES and marketing myths above! (no joke..
you probably have read a lot of articles.
You've probably read a bunch of blog and forum posts, and a whole bunch of web (and TV) advertisements as well.
But if you've tried any of the products that many of these companies sell, you've probably found yourself VERY disappointed in the results you've been able to achieve.
(me too!) With this in mind, let's take a quick and insightful look at 3 of the BIGGEST penis enlargement myths out there..
and why you should avoid them at all costs as well: Myth #1: Enlargement Pills Work for Permanent Size Improvements The truth? There is really no pill that has ever been proven to permanently lengthen or grow the penis.
As a matter of fact, SOME of the pills out there can have a very temporary benefit (i.
- they can help you get more blood flow to the penis while erect) but those gains usually only last mere minutes, and disappear when your erection goes away.
(no real size gains at all) Myth #2: Hanging Weights are a Great Way to Lengthen the Penis Again, not only is this NOT true, it's actually a dangerous practice which should be avoided at all costs.
Why? Weights can literally tear tissue, tendons, ligaments and other important parts of your anatomy that are critical to staying "fit"..
:-) Some men have had internal bleeding, blood vessels burst and more...
all because they've tried to use weights to stretch their penis in an "unnatural" way.
My best advice? Stay away..
they don't work, and CAN lead to long term injuries you DON'T want to deal with.
Myth #3: Pumps & Pulleys Were Created for Penis Enlargement Purposes The truth? They were created years ago for sexual dysfunction in diabetic men suffering from E.
(nothing to do with size) The truth? There are no documented cases of men who have gotten ANY gains at all from these devices, and the only thing that really get bigger from pumps are the BANK accounts of the companies that market them.
(don't get snookered by fancy web marketing campaigns again) The bottom line? The ONLY proven path to penis enlargement that is permanent is exercise.
The good news is they are EASY to learn, inexpensive to master and DON'T have any risk of injury (or embarrassment) like the LIES and marketing myths above! (no joke..