Health & Medical sports & Exercise

4 Convenient Workout Routines For the Aged

As we age, we have higher tendencies of getting weak quickly and our tolerance drops down.
But the mature crowd has coped with the evolving fitness world.
Men and women who are in their 50's to 70's are also learning the secrets of shaping up and getting strong.
Who says working out is exclusively for the young generation? It's either an understatement or an assumption that doesn't make sense.
Exercising is for everybody regardless of age only that the intensity and strength level the mature or so-called boomers undertake is a bit less intensive than the ones in their 20's to 40's.
Fitness doesn't make a biggie about age here.
It's even a greater concern to encourage fiftyish to seventyish peeps to execute exercises that can take them out of getting ill quickly.
Lack of exercise can increase the risks of having bone loss, increased blood pressure, slow metabolism and bad appetite which are common among the seniors.
If you're among the mature crowd who want to get started with a fitness program, you can consider these 4 convenient routines for the aged: 1.
Older tendons, joints and bones need to be flexed and firmed up.
As you get old, your muscles tend to stiffen up and lose its flexibility.
Stretching exercises intended for areas like arms, shoulders, chest, back, chest, stomach and thighs can be done through several routines.
Among them are knee and shoulder rotation, leg raise, neck rotation, arm stretching, etc.
Strength Training.
Of course, you can do strength training by lifting some light dumbbells.
The muscles in your upper and lower body can also be trained by using machines, free weights, fitness balls and barbells.
You can do this for 30 minutes twice or thrice a week making sure that you allow your muscles to enjoy downtimes.
Plantar Flexion that targets to strengthen your calves and ankles is a common exercise you can engage in.
Another one is the arm raise that strengthens your triceps, biceps and shoulder muscles.
Endurance Training.
For a stronger endurance, you should undertake some heart-rate-improving and muscle-activating routines like jogging, running, aerobic dance or elliptical machine training.
Be able to manage your breathing mechanism appropriately as you do your cardio routine.
Back Strengthening.
It's common among the aged to experience back pains.
To get you off some, you can try sitting with your back being straightened upright and feet on the floor.
Bend your arms and draw your shoulders behind as far as you can.
In this exercise, you will be the stretch on our back.
No matter how much you think you're old, you are still capable of undertaking stretching, strengthening and body resistance training at the gym.
Make sure you are guided by a professional trainer so that you don't lose your sense of appropriateness and safety.

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