Travel & Places Camping

How to Cook on a Camping Stove

    • 1). Set up your camping stove on a flat surface. Place your stove on a picnic table or other type of table that's stable. You don't want the stove tipping over and spilling your food or catching something on fire. Although camping stoves are relatively safe to use, you're still dealing with propane bottles and fire.

    • 2). Screw your propane bottle onto the stove. Most stoves use one or two bottles of propane to heat them and have two burners. Some stoves need a separate bottle to operate each burner. Other stoves have both burners working off one bottle of propane. You'll see a thick, black hose with a fitting on the end, coming from the stove. Screw the bottle of propane onto the end of this fitting.

    • 3). Light your stove. Slightly turn the knob that controls the amount of gas and hold a match or lighter to the center of the burner. A flame should erupt from the center. When this happens, the stove is ready to use. Don't turn the volume of gas up too high when lighting the stove. If you do, the flame will be bigger and possibly burn you when the stove lights.

    • 4). Cook with your camping stove as you would any other stove. Some people feel the camping stove is better because you can control the heat. You can use the same pots and utensils you'd use at home. The camping stove has the ability to do everything from boil to simmer. Anything you can cook on your stove at home, you can cook on your camping stove.

    • 5). Clean any food particles that drop into the base of your stove. You can clean the base of your camping stove by wiping it down with a cloth soaked in warm, soapy water. This keeps your stove clean and in tiptop condition. When you unpack it to use it again, last camp's food won't still be lingering in the bottom of the stove. Keep your stove clean and properly stored, and it will last for years.

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